Here's the new "Goblin" ea...little brother to Predator - page 56

Found something interesting in the code of Goblin (and 10Point3/Terminator). I could kick myself in the ass quite frankly for not having discovered this sooner but I've been so focused on the trend logic until now.

Here's the home-wrecker:


if (OpenOrders<1)



if (ReverseCondition==1)


if (myOrderType==1) { myOrderType=2; }

else { if (myOrderType==2) { myOrderType=1; } }




What this says, is "If there are no open orders at the moment and we're ready to start a new cycle of opening trades up to the MaxTrades limit, go check the trend and report back with what the new ordertype should be based on what JRSX and JVEL have to say; either a value of 1 for sell, or 2 for buy (or 3 for do nothing right now). Herein lies the spite of how great the indicators might be tracking

the trend, the EA isn't using this info until the sequence up to Maxtrades exhausts itself. The EA should be continuously tuned into the indicators so it can bail out on an order sequence gone bad if necessary. You might be in buy mode while the trend is dropping like a hot potato, but until you max out the trade sequence count up to Maxtrades, the EA will just keep issuing buy orders and racking up the losses.

Definitely a point of failure that will be fixed.

Hi Bluto!

I don't know, now. Is it fixed or no?


Ranging pairs

Phorex Phreak

What do you consider the consistently ranging pairs? Are you suggesting that the EA be turned on when a pair enters a range?


This should answer your question.



Thanks for the doc. on Range Trading much appreciated.


Current DetailedStatement for latest Goblin on 4 majors.



Deposit- 10,000























Thank you Wackena... you are like the good Watcher, giving a helpful hand here and there, to EA developers... we the readers of treads much appreciate your contributions...

and to all in this House... the attached statement is a further accolade to Bluto's work and Goblin/Jugulator continuing progression...

and as to pStar... who is showing up here in your House... eating at your table... but not willing to share even a cup of water with you... shame on him... -keep up the good work Bluto...


hey there junier,

as i stated before i will post the results at the end of next week and make sure the EA is running fine before i post anything, if you now anything about me ive been more than generous in sharing my strategies and forex experience, dont get your underwear tied in a knot, be patient, the EA will be posted hopefully sometime next week, i have to make sure its clicking on all cylinders before i post anything, it looks great now, and i also told the programmer to implement a "sequence ender", ill share what that means in a later to you soon....phreak

Thank you Wackena... you are like the good Watcher, giving a helpful hand here and there, to EA developers... we the readers of treads much appreciate your contributions...

and to all in this House... the attached statement is a further accolade to Bluto's work and Goblin/Jugulator continuing progression...

and as to pStar... who is showing up here in your House... eating at your table... but not willing to share even a cup of water with you... shame on him... -keep up the good work Bluto...
Thank you Wackena... you are like the good Watcher, giving a helpful hand here and there, to EA developers... we the readers of treads much appreciate your contributions...

and to all in this House... the attached statement is a further accolade to Bluto's work and Goblin/Jugulator continuing progression...

and as to pStar... who is showing up here in your House... eating at your table... but not willing to share even a cup of water with you... shame on him... -keep up the good work Bluto...


there are 3 version of new EA. which one are you testing? should i use indicators as posted in 1st post? i hope they are the latest....because i saw many of us got error when uploading this EA

This is a another hybrid of 10Point3 with what I believe are some significant enhancements to improve trading success based on the Predator EA I posted in the Elite Section a few weeks ago. Predator has had some really good results so far (knock on wood).

This EA scraps the standard MACD used in 10Point3 for trade signals and instead uses a Jurik RSI based on Jurik MA's. We've found this to be a tremendously more responsive indicator in Predator for getting you in and out of the correct trade direction in the first place. There's an additional new feature that now restricts trading to go with the daily trend. Loosely translated:

1. If the trend is strongly up, you buy only on the dips.

2. If the trend is ranging/weak downtrend/weak uptrend, you can buy or sell.

3. If the trend is strongly down, you sell only on the rallies.

Settings can be the same thing you've used with 10Point3, Terminator or Predator. I've found that keeping the TakeProfit/Pips/Stoploss intervals tight can result in more rapid smaller but consistent profits. The enhancements in this EA should go a long way to help avoid trading in the wrong direction and to reduce those huge drawdowns.

Give it a shot with a demo account and post your results.

can you post the latest and reliable version in 1st post?


I have an easy question for everyone. What would happen if the Trailing Stop is greater than the "Take Profit" number?

I have an easy question for everyone. What would happen if the Trailing Stop is greater than the "Take Profit" number?

Trailing stop will never be activated.

Hi Bluto! I don't know, now. Is it fixed or no?

I don't have a new working EA yet that specifically fixes this particular issue, but the "Goblin TF" version I'm developing will through (a.) continuous monitoring of short-term trend swings via velocity and (b.) hedge protection for orders that get out of control for whatever reason.