Here's the new "Goblin" ea...little brother to Predator - page 82

Here's one for traders with Big Cahuna's....

well I for one would like to see forward testing. I donot entirely believe in back testing


Great result. Just need an explanation & a couple questions...

Number one...I'm trying to understand the reasoning behind why you tried it this way and two, why only max trades 4 and why account protection off? Also, can you be more specific in how you set up the charts and magic numbers? I realize that you can set the personal settings for long and short only but do you have to change the magic numbers in the hard code or do you just select a random number in the personal settings box, ie the last entry? If you have shown this in a previous post, please excuse me and point me to the post. Thanks again and have a great holiday!


set the majic # is settings window.

account protection is off because I don't want it on.

max trades of 4 so it don't use up too much margin in positions, this allows positions to run against you with out a margine call.

basically the reasoning behind my settings are all based on what I think will make the account grow.

I think differently than most because most fail at the FX market. Your thinking has to be in the smaller percentile. Only 10% succeed. So it makes sence that most will disagree with you or not understand you if your on the winning side.


Minnesota Jay:
well I for one would like to see forward testing. I donot entirely believe in back testing

Sorry...the new EA version can only be provided to "firm believers".

(just kiddin )

Minnesota Jay:
well I for one would like to see forward testing. I donot entirely believe in back testing

all mine are forward tests.

bluto is working on something and hasn't completed it so forward tests are not yet on the agenda. But he is showing you what he has so far.


bluto. why don't you make 2 new versions. The one your working on and then my idea. Using the old version, seperate buy/sell majic #'s and also a setting of time peroid it will trade on. default being daily trend. But allowing us to change it in the settings window.

those are the only 2 changes I'd make to the origonal version. (some times simplicity is the best way.

because I found with terminater trading the 15 min chart allows it to catch and make money on all the wipsaw intraday moves.


bluto. why don't you make 2 new versions. The one your working on and then my idea. Using the old version, seperate buy/sell majic #'s and also a setting of time peroid it will trade on. default being daily trend. But allowing us to change it in the settings window.

those are the only 2 changes I'd make to the origonal version. (some times simplicity is the best way.


I think I might just do that. Stay tuned for some possible PM's. However, I really don't think it's going to be a match for Goblin II but what the heck....


basically the reasoning behind my settings are all based on what I think will make the account grow.

I think differently than most because most fail at the FX market. Your thinking has to be in the smaller percentile. Only 10% succeed. So it makes sence that most will disagree with you or not understand you if your on the winning side.

I think this exact attitude and concept is an essential doorway to major discovery. Wise words indeed.


Setting information for Buy/Sell......

bluto. why don't you make 2 new versions. The one your working on and then my idea. Using the old version, seperate buy/sell majic #'s and also a setting of time peroid it will trade on. default being daily trend. But allowing us to change it in the settings window.

those are the only 2 changes I'd make to the origonal version. (some times simplicity is the best way.

because I found with terminater trading the 15 min chart allows it to catch and make money on all the wipsaw intraday moves.


Hey xxDavidxSxx,

I'm very, very interested in your method, but wanted to make sure of the settings. Could you please post all your setting for goblin that you are using for your "Buy/Sell with different majic #'s on same pair" method. You have posted some of the changes you have made to the default settings - are these the only changes you made to the defaults? Also, the TF you suggested was H1, is this correct?

Thank you and Bluto for all your hard work. I'm leaning a great deal from your contribution (also from everyone else in these forums) and hoping to start adding my own ideas soon.

Thanks again, keep up the great work



USDCAD progressed through 4 trades both ways but trailing stop isn't working like I expected. None of the losing trades are closing. It looks like these 4 positions could keep on losing to me. I think you need initial stop turned on for trailing stops to work, right bluto? But looking at Davids results doesn't look like trailing stops were on(working).

Here's one for traders with Big Cahuna's....

Hi bluto, I've just checked the result of Goblin II. Its big lots was in 48 lots, and it never loss in anyone of these big lots. How could you do that? Its amazing!!