Phoenix optimization - page 6


Fresh Optimation and User Guides

Eventually they should be put into the first post of the FAQ, but the author is gone. Look for them in the following post.

Optimizing 5.7.2a

How in the name of Sam Hill are we supposed to optimize or backtest 5.7.2a if Fastperiod can only be 5+ greater than Slowperiod? It doesn't yield any significant results.

How in the name of Sam Hill are we supposed to optimize or backtest 5.7.2a if Fastperiod can only be 5+ greater than Slowperiod? It doesn't yield any significant results.

Like it was said in an earlier post ........ and maybe you are seeing what I have seen ..... LOLOLOL

Sam Hill:

Boy, if something isn't begining to smell on the home front! Wonder what it is? Its kind'd like the smell of the barn yard in the dead of summer. Sounds like piles of B.S. to me.

The CockeyedCowboy
How in the name of Sam Hill are we supposed to optimize or backtest 5.7.2a if Fastperiod can only be 5+ greater than Slowperiod? It doesn't yield any significant results.

Are you using the template with genetic algo selection? it is quite possible that the GA missed all significant results especially with such a large spread to check. If you are having problems I'd recommend turning off optimization on all of the filter settings listed in the notes. I can also try the same currency as you if you like.


Optimizing 5.7.2a

Hi Daraknor,

Not sure what you mean by "template with the genetic algo section". Version 5.7.2a doesn't run in backtesting because of the blockage over Fast>Slow. Is there something I'm missing? I can backtest and optimize 5.7.1, but I don't want to get started again only to find that I'll have to do 5.7.2 over again.

Thanks for your response and helpfulness.



I am getting more educated about optimization thanks to the documents Pcontour pointed to us and you guys did. As I am studying 5.7.1, mode 1 first for practice, I was wandering if there is a bug. I have a separate computer for optimization without account as recommended. If I go in the code to change the GBP/USD S/L setting from 84 to 74 or anything other value, the changes are not considered. What am I doing wrong or is it a bug ?


autumnleaves: all of your settings you are attempting to optimize have slow>fast. If fast>slow they should run.

m6m6: prefsettings=true and make sure all of the relevant "P" settings have some data



Am I correct to say that there is no interest in backtesting Phoenix with a 99 % quality because it is not taking less than 20 pips of profit or loss and does not enter and exit within the same 1M candle ! If this is true, 90 % backtest would be a good estimation of Phoenix behaviour in the past.

Is it better to backtest with the Broker's data or is it similar to use the free info on "Alpari" ?


Optimisation differnt modes

After extensive testing, I feel that mode 3 of phoenix fits my trading style. With that in mind I started optimizing Phoenix by setting the mode to 3. However, after optimizing signals 1 and 2 I found that optimized settings were very different to the preferred settings.

Am I going about optimizing Phoenix the correct way?

Can I just set the mode to 3 and optimize the signals? Or do I need to optimize the signals using mode 1 and then set the mode to 3 and optimize for variables specific to mode 3?



Am I going about optimizing Phoenix the correct way? Can I just set the mode to 3 and optimize the signals? Or do I need to optimize the signals using mode 1 and then set the mode to 3 and optimize for variables specific to mode 3?

my few cents....

optimize in mode1 until you get good results for the past 4-6 month on a 15M timeframe. then switch to mode3 and compare the two results.