Phoenix optimization - page 18

I have been gone for 6 months and come back and find very little if any activity on Phoenix. Can someone help me understand where everyone is. Did you give up on Phoenix, did the community move somewhere?

I was wondering that myself. I for one, found Phoenix 6 a little complicated, and I was waiting for all the changes to calm down. I also was waiting for better prices to get a new computer, and be able to optimize.

What about some of you other guys what are you up to?

I thought Phoenix 5.7.4 was pretty stable and had produced good results. I don't know how people did with Phoenix 6. I would be interested in hearing from some of the other folks.


Where is everyone?

NewDigital, you must be kidding. PContour put a huge amount of effort into Phoenix and if anyone was out making money on it, I am quite sure he would be one of them.

In all seriousness, where is everyone.

What is the stable version, where is latest set of settings? I am not sure the stickies at the front of the forums have been updated in a while.


As I see people were posting on this thread last month so it is the most active thread now.

Daraknor was very active on this public thread and in this elite section tread Metatrader 4 Protocol.

It's all that I know.

I thought Phoenix 5.7.4 was pretty stable and had produced good results. I don't know how people did with Phoenix 6. I would be interested in hearing from some of the other folks.

Hello Pcontour,

Do you know where I could find the 5.7.4 version?

Which pairs could I use it on?

I have an old version 5.6.03 which works perfectly on gbpusd.

Thank you for advance



Nice...Phoenix thread rose from the dead...