Markets Open And Close


Does anyone have or does anyone know how to code the following....

I need an indicator that lets me know what markets are open and when they are overlapping See attached picture.....

markets.jpg  83 kb

I downloaded some code similar to that, but there is no line drawn at the top. That is a nice picture, and the code could be modified to do that.

I found a serious problem though - the markets don't *actually* have set open and close times. Websites don't agree if NYO is 8am Eastern Standard Time, or Eastern Daylight Time. Sites report different closing times. A large amount of volume for London happens 1 hour before open.

Here is the code I do have... The time zones need to be corrected for your broker. I find it easiest to look at the NY Close and work backwards from there. Looking at your broker volume is a moderate confirmation, but not very strong.


Market Profiles

Kurka Fund:
Does anyone have or does anyone know how to code the following.... I need an indicator that lets me know what markets are open and when they are overlapping See attached picture.....

I have modified this indicator to show the market times, you have the option of coloured panels or outlines.


Kurka Fund:
Does anyone have or does anyone know how to code the following.... I need an indicator that lets me know what markets are open and when they are overlapping See attached picture.....

There is I-Sessions.mq4 too from Êèì Èãîðü Â. aka KimIV. Do a search...

I have modified this indicator to show the market times, you have the option of coloured panels or outlines.


very good!