Alternative MQL editor? - page 2


GNU Emacs is the only text editor you need for everything with any OS on the planet!

GNU Emacs - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF)

Here is my $0.02 on this subject:

Almost anything you would want to do in a text editor

is already incorporated in GNU Emacs and it works

on any operating system. Just learn Emacs once and

you never have to learn another text editor! Emacs

also works great with C/C++/LISP/TCL files.

It is possible to compile Meta 4 trader source files

by clicking on tools->compile and then at the prompt

type in: C:/PATH1/MetaLang C:/PATH2/Foo.mq4

where PATH1 is the path of your MetaLang compiler

and PATH2 is the path of your Meta 4 source file.

Go here: A Tutorial Introduction to Emacs for a short tutorial on how to use Emacs or

you can run the Emacs tutorial within the Emacs program.


Uso três editores alternativos para MQL:

Sublime Text 3 (compila MQ5)

Visual Estudio Code

Tem também o Atom

Todos reconhecem a syntax do MQL

Sublime Text - A sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose
Use to rename variables quickly Here is used to select the next occurrence of the current word. Once created, each selection allows for full-featured editing. Quickly jump to files and functions with Here is used to open the menu, xcc is used to select the file , @ switches to symbol mode, and :c selects the method. Navigate source...

TraderVanya is right. Emacs is the swiss army knife among the editors. Learn Emacs and you won't ever have to learn anything else.