Fxcruiser's version of THE ULTIMATE TRADING MACHINE!


Please come and see my version of the popular single indicator used in THE ULTIMATE TRADING MACHINE! One indicator does it ALL. This is even better, you only need one chart. Check and compare! Image #1 shows Netpick's The Ultimate Trading Machine. Image #2 shows fxcruiser's version of The Ultimate Trading Machine. And, the winner is..... drumbeats please, YOU decide.

Well get ready! After over 4 minutes of development I am, for the first time ever, in very limited quantities, and for a very limited time only, making this available exclusively outside my private list and ONLY to the TSD FORUM MEMBERS!

From here go to FX_Sniper thread here.

I almost forgot. Here is the thread of my soul inspiration.

FX_Sniper, you'll definitely get a kick out of this.



PS: newdigital, shouldn't this be in the Commercial section? Feel free to move it whereever.


Where can I buy?!?!?!?!

Where can I buy?!?!?!?!

it`s secret....

it`s secret....



She's bought this amazing system!;-)

1.jpg  56 kb

woooooooo looks great fxcruiser.........who do i send my super ruber bouncy cheque to..is it your self or are you gonna be a good guy and split it with FX_Sniper .........haha nice one


Wow this system is the best looking system i've seen!! and its only $297 with free shipping??!! Ill send you my CC # via email!!

Oh don't suppose you could turn this into EA? I would pay triple the price if you could!!bwahahaha...


ahahahah good one cruiser

netpiks are scums, i payd few years ago for the swing trading signals from them and lucky for me i stop using it quick,they sucks


Maybe pelele79 will buy your system