Looking for W.D Gann book


hello guys,

i am looking for one of W.D Gann's books.

it called :

How to make profits in commodities.

i found in emule spanish/italian version of this wonderful book but unforunatly i cant read these languages.

i'll be hugely thankful if someone help me with an english version .

thanks !



hello guys,

i am looking for one of W.D Gann's books.

it called :

How to make profits in commodities.

i found in emule spanish/italian version of this wonderful book but unforunatly i cant read these languages.

i'll be hugely thankful if someone help me with an english version .

thanks !

Hi, happy to finally be able to be of any help. Until now I only was able to take information to make a path into hipothetical profit. Which is not yet done.

So you will find this 5book here:


then if you are interested in gann techniques we can speak. I use percentages and angles.





hello pal,

thank you for the willingness to help.

i know that site and many others too.

i am looking for that specific book i mentioned.

thanks anyway.


if you have any revelation about gann's techniques

please do share with us your findings.


hi, i have lot of book about Gann. i think i have also one that you want it.

but currently my extended disc with all my ebooks is out of order maybe one week and then i can share for you for this disc for a while.

i`ll send you PM when it will be ready.



I recomand "Square of nine".


I would say Hurst is better than Gann.


In my opinion this is a very good book for gann fans.


Dharmik Team:
I recomand "Square of nine".

Never heard of it, but will check it out, thanks.