To slow down an Expert


Hello sirs

The East what somebody could say to me, what I have to write in an Expert so that it limits itself in his(its,her) purchases and in its sales.

I make tests with "fire bird" but for every account explode, everything goes away in negative because of the important number of purchases and sales.

Thank you to repair me

Warmly Yves81

Hello sirs

The East what somebody could say to me, what I have to write in an Expert so that it limits itself in his(its,her) purchases and in its sales.

I make tests with "fire bird" but for every account explode, everything goes away in negative because of the important number of purchases and sales.

Thank you to repair me

Warmly Yves81

it sounds like your talking of a stop loss and a take profit, limits profit factor and limits loss in a trade.


Hello Dustin,

Sorry, this small text in French concerns a counsel for a translation tool