Forward testing - reliable broker (demo)


I've been forward testing using the interbank fx demo server. But it seems there are connection problems daily. I need to reboot my computer just to get online. I most commonly see "No Connection", but sometimes "Common Error" (not sure what that means). Can someone recommend a reliable demo server to do forward testing on?


If you read the brokers thread, i'm sure you could find one


for interbankfx, try opening another demo account. Always works for me, gets me online very quickly.

If you read the brokers thread, i'm sure you could find one

Unlikely. The demo servers are not the live servers. Different brokers treat their demo servers with different levels of interest. Some bring them back up right away, others couldn't care less and it will get done at the end of the day.

I've tried opening up another account. But it usually only works for a day or two before I have problems again.