Please HELP ! I need a Lamborghini.


Hey fellow “Pip Pilgrims”

I have noticed the board taking on a new dimension over the last 3 months or so where people just rock up and place their demands a.k.a. “wish lists” a.k.a “need help list” etc. and then wait for the rest to deliver on them, so I thought it prudent to add my little wish list here to and hopefully get a good place in the queue.

I have a photo of a Lamborghini Diablo, all I now need is for someone to help me get the car. I have many talents, but building Lamborghini’s unfortunately is not one of them, so please if one of the talented builders can just set me up with it I would be very happy indeed. I attach a photo of how it looks just to clear up any misunderstandings.

I think it really is a great car and that we all could benefit if you could share one with each of us.

I suppose I will need to learn how to drive this mother, so please, if there is anyone out there with some free or “not so free” e-books or manuals to this effect, please post them here also or upload them to RapidShare for us.

Also please if you could make it so that I could change the color by means of a special setting in the event of me getting tired of the metallic color it would be great.

Ok, that’s about it for now, lets now check to see if my request conforms to the traditionally accepted rules of begging:
  • Make the request extravagant – well I am asking for a Lamborghini after all, so check !!!
  • Simply just ask for the damn thing, without intention to actually contribute to it’s design, time to build or without any regard of what it is that I want – check !!!
  • Ask for something I do not properly understand and thus can not really value, although I somehow know it would be to everyone’s benefit – check !!!
  • Prove I do not understand it by asking for the manual without intention to pay for it either – check !!!
  • Refine my demands by adding one or more “enahancements”: “…Also please if you could make it so that I could change the color by means of a special setting…” – check !!!
  • Jokingly degrade myself in order to elevate prospect helpers and make them feel superior to me to improve my chances of getting helped – “…I have many talents, but building Lamborghini’s unfortunately is not one of them, so please…” - check !!!
Will this car be able to drive on the 50km stretch of gravel road to my farm? Will I be able to afford the insurance premium? Will I be able to afford the fuel? Will I be able to drive it safely? Will there be place in it to put my pug dog, tame mouse bird and two half crazy gold fish from the pond when I go on holiday? – Who cares, the hunt for it is on, that’s all that matters right – of course yes !!!

Well folks, I guess the only thing left to decide now is, do I deserve to get this pretty little chick magnet (Lamborghini Diablo) after offering nothing in return accept more arrogant demands perhaps ‘n bit later on in the thread.

It really saddens me to see one forum after the next going to hell after the decay sets in. It’s really hard to find a place where mature traders just hang out and have some intelligent conversations.

On the other hand, I guess nothing ever remains the same for to long and forums are no exception. They need to generate some form of revenue and in the end, if it pays it stays.

Also people all have different needs, so I suppose I can not impose my need to find intelligent conversation with mature traders on everyone I meet – perhaps the solution is to start private groups and just get untangled from the forum concept in total. Then again, real traders do not really have a lot to talk about in any case, we trade and we live………


you want a diablo ? no problemo

you want a diablo? no problemo

Just try to focus on a real good m1 scalping ea that works on 10 pairs and you will have it by the end of 2006.

by the way i have a 2006 porsche 911 that i bought out of scalping.

good luck and try not to be too ironic 'cause irony is the weapon of the weaks and you must know that the "trader" is anything but weak.

good luck and always wear a seat belt


haha like it FX_Sniper,im only here a day and already experienced this type of person..............and by the way im giving away my old Lamborghini Diablo,only thing is its red and i see your looking for a black one....ah well maybe next time

haha like it FX_Sniper,im only here a day and already experienced this type of person..............and by the way im giving away my old Lamborghini Diablo,only thing is its red and i see your looking for a black one....ah well maybe next time

yeah, I read how you got yak and yup in your own thread here.

Welcome aboard!




Hahahah......Have you had Grumpy flakes again for breakfast

And have you finished that H2 SUT indicator yet.

I want it with an alert and a copy of your brokers statment showing that it works , Oh yes and pink and blue would be nice.

When you have done it can you also do an EA for it so I dont even have to bother getting up and coming to the puter when the alert plays the stars and stripes.

Is it done yet ????


Hahahah......Have you had Grumpy flakes again for breakfast

And have you finished that H2 SUT indicator yet.

I want it with an alert and a copy of your brokers statment showing that it works , Oh yes and pink and blue would be nice.

When you have done it can you also do an EA for it so I dont even have to bother getting up and coming to the puter when the alert plays the stars and stripes.

Is it done yet ????


Hey you crazy LOON

How was your day, mine started out with the "Grumpy Flakes" whahahaha

About the EA, uhm, give me another 24Hrs, and I'll have it singing like Elvis Presley, gimme 48Hours and it will also be able to power a small nuclear reactor.

These damn Crusaiders are driving me nuts, trying to steal our Holy Grail, we better up security !!!

Till laters,

FX Sniper

Hey you crazy LOON

These damn Crusaiders are driving me nuts, trying to steal our Holy Grail, we better up security !!!

Till laters,

FX Sniper

Hey, this H2 Cruiser here has nothing to do with who you refer to as Crusaiders. Plus, the one I have built is not the Holy Grail. It's the Holy Goose. hehehe!



more on this later on....

Hey, this H2 Cruiser here has nothing to do with who you refer to as Crusaiders. Plus, the one I have built is not the Holy Grail. It's the Holy Goose. hehehe!

Well well well, I have this nice recipe for Barbacued Goose Stew, so watch it buster :D:D

Barbecued Goose Stew

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Boil goose until tender (3-4 hours). Change water every hour. Take meat off the bones.

Prepare Chesapeake Bay Barbecue Sauce:

1/4 cup butter

1 jar good spaghetti sauce

1/2 cup Dark Brown Sugar

1 lemon (juiced)

1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce

1 small onion (finely chopped)

1 bell pepper

Salt, pepper, garlic powder, to taste

Put meat in sauce and heat 30 minutes at 200 degrees.

Barbecued Goose Stew

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Boil goose until tender (3-4 hours). Change water every hour. Take meat off the bones.

Prepare Chesapeake Bay Barbecue Sauce:

1/4 cup butter

1 jar good spaghetti sauce

1/2 cup Dark Brown Sugar

1 lemon (juiced)

1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce

1 small onion (finely chopped)

1 bell pepper

Salt, pepper, garlic powder, to taste

Put meat in sauce and heat 30 minutes at 200 degrees.

Woooo reat recipe...............*has secret thought*i got an idea.....i could steal this darn great recipe rename itpiphunter goose stew...and make millions selling it to all them lazy stew makers out there......muhawahahuhahhwwhaa

Well well well, I have this nice recipe for Barbacued Goose Stew, so watch it buster :D:D

Barbecued Goose Stew

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Boil goose until tender (3-4 hours). Change water every hour. Take meat off the bones.

Prepare Chesapeake Bay Barbecue Sauce:

1/4 cup butter

1 jar good spaghetti sauce

1/2 cup Dark Brown Sugar

1 lemon (juiced)

1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce

1 small onion (finely chopped)

1 bell pepper

Salt, pepper, garlic powder, to taste

Put meat in sauce and heat 30 minutes at 200 degrees.

Yuuuuuumy! I will have some of that Barbacued Goose Stew. Gosh! I really feel hungry now.



Woooo reat recipe...............*has secret thought*i got an idea.....i could steal this darn great recipe rename itpiphunter goose stew...and make millions selling it to all them lazy stew makers out there......muhawahahuhahhwwhaa

Now you're catching on fast