Expert signals from a server


Hi Everyone,

Could anyone tell me if I have developed an expert and want to share its signals with other people is there a way they can "connect" to my expert with me sending the .ex4 ? or can I in someway automatically send the trades to their MT4 terminal ? Does the DataCenter help with this ?

Thanks in advance,

Hi Everyone,

Could anyone tell me if I have developed an expert and want to share its signals with other people is there a way they can "connect" to my expert with me sending the .ex4 ? or can I in someway automatically send the trades to their MT4 terminal ? Does the DataCenter help with this ?

Thanks in advance,

There are a few ways to do that:

1) Send email to your private email box, link that email box with website and post the emails on web (as u know u can use asp or php for it, and u can format data in any way u want) It requires some skills but can be done

2) Provide your clinets investor password to your account and they will see in the real time how ea makes the trades

3) Use dll from codersguru and send multiple emails to difrent people (eg. your clients).


4) If u have acces to mysql database u can use dll to send the signals stright to MySql database and then publish them on web.




Hello Kale,

Many thanks for the input. You raised some interesting techniques. Could you tell me where I can find CodersGuru dll ?

Cheers !

Hello Kale,

Many thanks for the input. You raised some interesting techniques. Could you tell me where I can find CodersGuru dll ?

Cheers !


Here is the link to codersguru website




where can I find a dll that connects to mysql?

I have an EA and I want that all the postion opened in the EA will update mysql(and than publish in php).



where can I find a dll that connects to mysql?

I have an EA and I want that all the postion opened in the EA will update mysql(and than publish in php).


Here u go, dll and the example files

Files:  539 kb

thanks alot! :-)


hello again

i got it to work but its write like 30 querys to the table, why is that?

thanks again


I guess I am missing something here. If an EA on a demo account triggers a trade, you're saying its possible to trigger the trade on a live account, but with a different broker? Is there any further explanation as to how to accomplish this task?


This has been discussed on yahoo group... it is possible on two steps.

The first the EA, must post on a website a signal with that tool kalenzo posted, after this you need the other EA to grab the signal from the website and act posting the trade.

I will look into that discussion on yahoo and post here the results.

This has been discussed on yahoo group... it is possible on two steps.

The first the EA, must post on a website a signal with that tool kalenzo posted, after this you need the other EA to grab the signal from the website and act posting the trade.

I will look into that discussion on yahoo and post here the results.

Yeah, and it can be done just with mysql server.


1) EA on demo server saves his signal to mysql database eg. u create 1 table called signals which following structure :

id int 11 auto_increment primary key

signal int 1 default 0 // if 1 - long if 2 short

valid datetime

2) when the signal comes on demo u save it in that table and the query can look like this:

INSERT INTO signals SET signal =1, valid=NOW();

3)to use that db from other ea's if u want eg to provide signals for many people u should make that database accessable from outside (not only from localhost)

4) to restict acces u can create password and username for each subscriber which should have access to yours signals.

5) and now, on the client ea's u need only to connect to that db, and read the signal, u can sort signals by date and u can make condition to read only signals from last 10 seconds - so u will be sure that u have current, fresh signal.

Isn't this simple ?