ISAKAS ashi by Kuskus_Osentogg - page 180





anyone have the ciplak kuasaforex template.. saja nak try.. cuz i'm very new..

anyone have the ciplak kuasaforex template.. saja nak try.. cuz i'm very new..

Why not u just try Isakas ?,, there are so many kind people will giving u a guide.. Try it,,

Why not u just try Isakas ?,, there are so many kind people will giving u a guide.. Try it,,

hohoho... OK2.. thanks anyway.. just curious why nasir yaacob so confident with his [powerforex]..


Best EA available

What EA is everyone using? I can't seem to bet 100% on misakas for my preferred EA, it's too volatile.




hohoho... OK2.. thanks anyway.. just curious why nasir yaacob so confident with his [powerforex]..

I think the original is from here ,,


Please read all thread..

hohoho... OK2.. thanks anyway.. just curious why nasir yaacob so confident with his [powerforex]..

Salam,guys..better you read all thread posting here from 1st thread opening by owner,designer,creator,founder of isakas indicator Mr Zemang..and a lot of

information can you get here..As a newbie like you..please don't interrupt at middle of the story..learn from A to here...which version can use for your trading style...anyway..hallo to all MANUAL TRADERS...


Guys any more information available on the Isakas Skelper system?

Anybody using it with any success or have any tips for when is best to enter?

Seems to like me like when all the dots turn blue or red near enough the same time, those signals seem to be good?

Any more info or updates on how the Skelper system is coming along would be great, seems like it has alot of potential! last finish all 180 pages.


mr. zeman is the best..