ISAKAS ashi by Kuskus_Osentogg - page 203


Colors -- simple but useful

I am a technical trader and I love to trade with the patterns I know, with the trend and with KusKus having all the indicators on my screen helps me decide my trades .. But that makes the screen too busy so for me to focus on KusKus as it's the main indicator, while at the same time see the other indicators for example the Bands, I add a bit of black to each indicator and this is how I do it :

Click any where on your MT4 screen Go to indicator list and chose your indicatort that you want to change its color  Go to indicator properties  then go to the color setting  click on the color then drag the arrow down and go to custom  drag the color arrow down to add more black ..add to custom colors then ok

Example the setting for the bands indictor default color is LightSeaGreen , I want to see the band on my screen but focus on the KusKus so I add black to the LightSeaGreen to blend it with the background which is black the result is 14,75,72 of course you can do that in another way by going to the code and change the colors from there ... which I also do sometimes ... like nina indicator i change the yellow to Blue and the White to Red to match the KusKus

Thats could be nice if someone set an alert on it

For the alert try nina , it goes very well with KusKus and give an alreat ... nina alert alawys goes b4 KusKus signal so its a nice wake up call


New Look

Zeman I have modified Fisher to make it look like starlight

Please compile the file if it shows think stars .. then they will lose some weight .. if it does not work .. go to the porperty and make the line thinkness 1 insted of 4

please have a look and let me know what you think ..

update I think I fixed it and it match 100%


Filter Doly + KusKus

I was trying to get rid of the faulse signals so I was aware of a system called Dolly

In my attempt to decide to have all what I want on the same screen, I have combined the two systems on the same chart ..... the result is makes the screen busy but is good for me

look for CJI notes on the GMACD from the same link above ...thier are helpful

and look in this picture

This is just an added tool for those who likes to trade with the trend

hi anybody still using ISAKAS?

Yes. I am testing it on a demo account. I think it has potential. I will let you know

how I get on, if you would like.



It was really a long time dint follow this thread happy this thread still exist for so many sad for those newbies who read from 1st post until the last..that's not a easy job (hard mission) ..haha! anyway..happy trading ya..! Good Luck!