Phoenix 2007 (new thread) - page 103


Ok guys

If I understand all the changes (my brain have a very old chip and impossible to upgrade!) : this thread is dead and now we have to go :




Right ?

Ok now, the time that all these datas circle into my neuronal sytem (huummm! you got one ?) I will be ready.... Monday.... euuuh... I hope...


"UsePrefSettings" question.


I have spend a lot of time studying Phoenix and setting it up. One setting I do not fully understand is "UsePrefSettings". Which prefs is it referring to when set to true, and why should it be "true" for forward testing and live, and "false" for back testing? I have read both the original manual and the optimization guide, but I still have problems with this.

Help greatly appreciated.


I have spend a lot of time studying Phoenix and setting it up. One setting I do not fully understand is "UsePrefSettings". Which prefs is it referring to when set to true, and why should it be "true" for forward testing and live, and "false" for back testing? I have read both the original manual and the optimization guide, but I still have problems with this.

Help greatly appreciated.

Hi Cdy

As said in the previous post, put your question in

Good Sunday


The simple thing to remember about the Phoenix threads is that you can just look at the top of the screen. We have our own area now, all of the Phoenix threads are together.

Forex Trading > Trading Systems > Phoenix

Go ahead! click it now!

Hopefully multiple threads will help us divide up the labor of support better. Fairly soon, I am only going to read the Development and Results threads every day. "post less code more" is becoming a mantra and a personal goal of mine. Hopefully the community can support the new users and answer questions.



Understood. I have posted in the right thread now I hope. After having read 100+ pages my eyes got tired and I didn't get it all.

I hope I'm on the right track now.


Thanks for 'filing your request.' I'm hoping the "community support" will work out. I know that if I tried to do what Hendrick did and support the users + do development, I'd quit. I would need to

Thanks for 'filing your request.' I'm hoping the "community support" will work out. I know that if I tried to do what Hendrick did and support the users + do development, I'd quit. I would need to

Thank you for trying to pull this together. There are many pieces of software that works on a "support by community" basis. In fact, the whole open source community is built that way. It requires that a few take the lead and involve responsible people who can head the comminity support efforts. A chat room would be good. I learnt everything I needed to know about Linux on IRC. I do not see why a MT4 EA couldn't be run in the same manner. Especially one as good as Phoenix.

I don't think Hendrick said exactly that. Adding features for the sake of having more features is poor design. At the same time, Hendrick said he was going to add several features and then did not release the code. I am trying to get the original fixes still.

I have a friend with a doctorate in physics testing Phoenix right now. We were discussing genetic algorithms for parameters, neural network for confidence, and bayesian filters for logic processing yesterday. He is also a math genius with access to large computer clusters working for the Department of Defense doing Quantum PHysics. He just doesn't have the time build the entire framework himself, although he has written some genetic algo lately for other projects. This goal isn't unattainable, it just isn't practical this week. Give it a few months and I should have AI in DLLs coming up with parameters. It is possible for us to pool our CPUs and compute data by breaking up the work into sections. I might make a series of 10 market conditions that every indicator would need to predict, and we use GA to pick the parameters to find which settings most accurately predict the market conditions for different time frames in the current market. We could have one person sign up to do testing on 4 indicators, someone else does testing on 10, someone else 2. It is possible, not sure it is necessary.

That sounds like the appropriate path for developing a "Stable" branch of code. The code posted above would be part of an "unstable" or "nightly build" branch that people need to test and refine before putting those features in "stable". "Stable" should be something people can run on real money accounts in all modes. "Unstable" for live testing to find out which features work and which ones don't. "Nightly build" or "weekly build" would be collections of all features that were submitted that week. I think we can all have the kind of development we want (bug fix, improvements and new ideas) with this strategy.

I also agree. Who wants to do this? We should probably have two threads, new users and development so the two types of users don't get confused. Maybe the titles "Phoenix - FAQ, Stable, User support -Read Post #1" and "Phoenix - Development+Suggestions - MQ4 in Post 1"? I'm willing to run the second thread but not the first one actively. We don't need moderation as much as "first or second post edited by one person regularly".

I just adore this guy.


Forward Test- IBFX

------- Reposted to correct thread. Sorry, trying to catch up with the times.