Phoenix 2007 (new thread) - page 54


Q & Comment

I have read the thread from the beginning. I am not sure how the EA applies to the EURUSD since it is not in the perf setting catagory. Is it necessary to provide your own settings and if so is it necessary to turn the perf settings off to do so? Also I noticed that a booster component was introducted about half way thorugh the thread but then discussion dropped off. Is the booster still valid or has it been incorporated into the newer EA? Finally, there was discussion about stops multiple entries and such. Is it possible to create a rachetting stop which would be different than a trailing stop in that it would tighten as price advances. For example in a standard deviation everything within the band/deviation (ex. Bollinger Bands) is a statistically "normal' range. When something moves beyond the band then it is statistically "abnormal" or the 92-100% (8 %) of the the whole. When price goes to beyond 90% or so of the nornal range then we could safely assume that it will not stay there and will retrace to its normal range. If a stop could be created to follow price in an ever tightening way (even within the high normal range) to that point, which might be a function of the third tier/postion of the TP, it might make those "abnormal" advances even more profitable rather than lose them to a TP level, new entry costs and parameters etc. In other words the stop would move up each time a higher high is reached beyond a certain point. It could be that this is already possible and if so please forgive ignorance. Just some thoughts and questions from someone new to this thread.

Downloaded from Post #525 the Fix for Micro Accounts, it still does not work running it on Interbank & Velocity4x. Would appreciate it if Hendrick or someone else would Fix this EA, as it would be appreciated. Still opens lots at 0.10.

MicroAccount "RealTrader". Are you able to make a manual trade with lot size 0.01?

12345.bmp  191 kb

Micro account Trading


beforehand a great thank you Hendrick for providing and sharing your EA.

I am running on a demo IBFX account your latest version for Microaccounts and it works fine.

So far only traded the 3 "old" pairs.

All the best.

I am new to this forum, but not so new to trading FX and will try to contribute as a retiree.

Running Phoenix V5_6 since yesterday openning

"normal" settings, Mode 3

Brooker : Interbank

Demo account

USD/JPY - 31 pips closed

USD JPY -32 closed

GB/JPY = -17 running

USD/JPY -32 running

Miss something ???

i am having the same results but i am trading just the $JPY though. (IBFX mini, live). Same results for a SBFX demo. My FXDD demo and IBFX demo are both well in positive.


i am having the same results but i am trading just the $JPY though. (IBFX mini, live). Same results for a SBFX demo. My FXDD demo and IBFX demo are both well in positive. AZBOfin

I leave my two trade to see where they go...

For the moment

GB/JPY -30 pips

US/JPY -38

As they closed I will switch to Mode1

(in demo account you feel cool but if it was in real...grrrrr)


I'm run live with FXDD (only USDJPY) all positions are positive.

Running Phoenix V5_6 since yesterday openning

"normal" settings, Mode 3

Brooker : Interbank

Demo account

USD/JPY - 31 pips closed

USD JPY -32 closed

GB/JPY = -17 running

USD/JPY -32 running

Miss something ???

My grand father used to say :

"there are two types of men : Princes and.. Rats... alway try to belong to the first category..."

Hendrick you DEFINITLY belong to the first one..."

Hi there,

I also running the EA since the start of Asia opening, but using a more aggressive setting, MaximumRisk=0.3 DecreaseFactor=3 for USDJPY.

It's still in profit.


MicroAccount "RealTrader". Are you able to make a manual trade with lot size 0.01?

Hi Hendrick,

I have been running the Phoenix on the NEXTT & NF's demo for more than 10 hours for the USDCHF & GBPUSD pairs. However, there is still no trade triggered. (Just on the default setting)

Maybe have some bugs?!


That is normal;

Some EAs stay a whole week without trading...

Mechanical Trading is also and exercise of patience...


Oi Marcelo

Todos os cocodrilos estao por aqui...

(505 on Oanda forum!!!!)