Phoenix 2007 (new thread) - page 33

My daily work is too demanding at this moment to follow this forum every day. But don't worry, I will post Phoenix version 5 this weekend. Wish I could do this for a living!

Don't let your boss read this forum, otherwise he will resign as well.

In my live testing I'm going to reduce the lots to 0.01 for all pairs except GBPJPY and USDJPY until things turn around a bit.

I agree with you. I think 2 currencies are enough GBPJPY USDJPY. Should play with higer risk 0.3 each. (or 0.4?)

Don't let your boss read this forum, otherwise he will resign as well.

My boss can't read Fikko!

I agree with you. I think 2 currencies are enough GBPJPY USDJPY. Should play with higer risk 0.3 each. (or 0.4?)

GBPJPY and USDJPY are doing well because we found the right settings. But I'm now on the right track to find the right settings for all the other pairs! After Phoenix 5 we will have versions 6, 7 and so on. And every new version will be better than the previous one!

Hi Hendrick,

Thinking another way to improve Phoenix.... is using time filter. so far I test it with ignoring trading on 22:00 GMT will a bit increase profit on backtest for both GBP/JPY and USD/JPY.

Also perhaps news hours, we have to stop trading.....

There will be a news filter in Phoenix 5.


A big THANK YOU !! for being soo kind.

It means a lot to people from third world countries, who cannot afford expensive trading system nor can spend much time sitting in front of PC else it would cost them more money in electricity bills and also, our daily hunt for bread ensures that, we have to balence it all.

Our hope and dream lay on guys like you, who are so unselfish and kind , we just feel to bow down and salute you.

You are great for the unspoken millions who are repressed and who do not have access to the power of the Internet and to meet people like you, who could change the life of people in a year.

Its exploitation really in this part of the world, always there is strings attached, and here we are soo free spirited forum and people who are ready to move ahead taking others with them..

I plan to open a free cyber cafe in India, with the money I gain from FOREX and trading systems like Phoenix. I know it would be expensive at start. however, it would be good to begin with.

I feel there is no point in feeding people without knowledge. The power of the internet is immense. I fret my 15 years of education without any employment gains, untill i came across trading. even if i earn 10 USD a day, Its like living a king in here. I would want people here to explore the internet in true ways and meet people like Hendrix to change their life.

Really what all these reforms can't do in a decade, the internet would do it in a year.

Thank you Hendrick again for being so free spirited, folks its truly amazing, even a teacher in our school, college charges a fee for education and here its all free free free, who says there is no such thing as free lunch..i say with guys like Hendricks around, our life is in for a eternal holiday

You Rock !!

{sorry for the long message, i just wanted to get this out of my mind asap

Hi Balista,

It's very important to have dreams, but it's more important to realize your dreams. First step is to never, never abandon your dreams. There will be times that you will lose your faith in your own dreams, that people will criticise you about your dreams, and it looks like the whole world is against you. Then sit back, relax, and imagine in your head clearly what you want to accomplish with your dream. Believe me, one day you dream will become reality.

Wish you all the best Balista!

Great Job on the research toward version 5.0. Here is a suggestion for a scaling strategy:

When a trade entry is called, divide your lot size by 3 and enter 3 trades,

1 trade will have target of .5 times profit target,

1 trade at 1.0 times profit target ,

1 trade at 1.5 times the profit target.

When Trade 1 closes with profit at .5X, Trade 2 and Trade 3 move stop loss to break even.

When Trade 2 closes with profit at 1.0X, Trade 3 moves stop loss to .5x level

Trade 3 closes at 1.5 x profit.

This gives you the same amount of profit while minimizing the downside risk and locking in profit along the way. This is just a straw man suggestion to think about how to scale your lot size and minimize risk.

Interesting. I'm going to back test this. Will let you know the results next week. Thanks.

Hendrick, great job with the competition!

"The race does not always go to the swiftest"

Here are some results from a IBFX demo acct so far. What's going on? I noticed that the usdjpy in my demo did not match-up with your trades even adjusting for GMT. Any idea why Phoenix picked different orders?

Keep up the great work

Oops!! That's an ugly statement! Well, better wait for Phoenix 5.

I saw Phoenix 4.2 in my MT opened the same trade (JPY/USD) which showed in the contest on Sunday night (NY time), the same trade, same SL and TP and closed this morning with profit. Thanx, Henrick.

One thing I want to ask Henrick, in European market (Monday, Oct 23), there were trend moves in EUR, GBP and CHF as well, but Phoenix 4.2 only opened the trades in JPY/USD, EUR/JPY, CHF/JYP, and USD/CAD, why could not Phoenix open other pairs like JPY?



Hi Asam!

That's because we still haven't found the right settings for these pairs! But don't worry, we will find them in the end!

Thanks for all of your hard work Hendrick! Congrats on going back into top 3 as well. I agree with others that sashken might take a sudden plunge. His posted code does have a stop limit, but I read in an interview he didn't have one. Odd?

I'm very excited about Phoenix, and very glad that it is working so well. Doubling your money in under a month is excellent! (looking at championship data) Doing that 6 months straight would turn 10k into 640k.

My concern is that after several months, the market may change and there would be susceptibilities, weaknesses in a different market. Opening a new trade on a new signal is great, but (if I understand correctly) turning fluctuations into trends automatically could be dangerous.

I like categorizing things in my own head, and I'm not sure what direction you want to take Phoenix. As long as you know, then great! My understanding your motivation isn't necessary.

I will be looking for lagging corresponding currencies, USDCHF and EURUSD are too closely paralleled in the major markets to be bid on if you have any spread at all. Normall they follow 1-3 pips apart, and sometimes one currency lags behind the other by as much as 3 minutes. Since I was looking at broker data, this could simply be an artifact of my broker and not the Level 2 market.

Another possible contribution: I have made historical news data in a file read into an array. Since the news information is released each and the expected impact is ranked, we could program an EA to look for "no trade times" specific to a currency. Since major news releases alter technical trading so much, this may create a more stable currency growth. News data sorted low/med/high, and by currency code. It has a long way to go before it can be included in live EA, but it should be useful for manual trading/backtesting now.

Hi Drakanor,

Indeed very interesting ideas about incorporated these news event in Phoenix. On the other hand I've seen the Contest version of Phoenix reacting very well on price movements after big News Events!