Questions and articles - page 3


Watch Out

Using Fast Brokers you better be prepared to lose your stop losses. They are notorious for stop hunting. You can run several demo accounts at one time and all will be trading normally and then you watch Fast Brokers and they suddenly have a 50-150 pip one second spike to knock everyone that has stops in a certain direction out of the market. Then of course the market trades normal again. They already bit your butt. They are also bad at not letting you out of trades on requotes. I used them and they took 6 requotes one time to get me out of a trade that ended up costing over $200.00 by the time they got me out. When you contest them, they say well thats to bad it's just part of doing business in the Forex market. So good luck if you use them.


Would velocity4 also be good then for Scalping

Would Welcome to Velocity4x also be good then for Scalping just like FXDD? I thought of going with them instead. They are almost next door to me, and that makes it nice if there are situations. Thanks!



Would Welcome to Velocity4x also be good then for Scalping just like FXDD? I thought of going with them instead. They are almost next door to me, and that makes it nice if there are situations. Thanks!

FXDD is legit company for scalping ...


Forex Indicators Collection


what is scalping ?

can someone please explain to me what does the term scalping mean? cheers



Nice articles. Thanks.




I've had a live and several demo accounts with FXDD for over a year with no problems. I'm not a particularly good or aggressive scalper, but when I spoke with them originally they had no problems with any scalping EA's or any strategies I might wish to try.

In this time I've never seen the spread change on the EURUSD pair. It seems constant at 2 pips, any changes here are very brief. I did see spread changes on the FAP-T pairs when it first came out, but I no longer trade it on FXDD.

Although FXDD does limit the SL and TP values you can enter on their server as pending orders, there is no limit on either price or holding time when externaly executing your orders, either manualy or with an EA.

FXDD is currently in negotiations to join the NFA and CFTC, as of Dec 11 they now are members of the CFTC and NFA. This does NOT affect your ability to hedge, open multiple positions, or any other trading. I do all of these regularly with no problem. The difference between FXDD and other MT4 brokers in regards to the NFA regulations is that FXDD was a position based broker before MT4 and they have converted their MT4 accounting to a position based system which makes it completely compatable.

This doesnt in any way change our trading. I saw no changes to my platform when this happened. The only change was in the way they reported my trades in their end of day e-mail. Where MT4 is transaction based, and every transaction is an individual entity, FXDD has applied these transactions to a position base for accounting purposes, so multiple open orders become one position for the purposes of accounting, and hedged orders are simply applied to the position. Same with FIFO, this is all done behind the scenes from a position base and has no affect on MT4 trading.

I run several EA's on the EURUSD pair simultaneously. I have seen these EA's issue pending bracket orders, multiple pending orders of all kinds, and multiple active orders, all with no problem.

As far as I know this is currently the only US regulated MT4 broker where we can trade as usual, hopefully the others will catch on and make the neccessary changes., thank you for the excellent articles. The follow up on your site is quite excellent as well. Thank you


How to Create a Technical Strategy: Final Notes

We suggest that in all cases a trader utilize the layered entry approach by committing capital gradually, so that the ever-present fear of loss and failure is mitigated to some extent. It is also good to keep in mind that nothing is certain in trading regardless of our level of confidence. We should be confident in our analysis and the worth of our strategy so that we can apply it without vacillating and remaining indecisive at crucial moments. Indeed, this is similar to the position of a confident soldier who never flees from battle though he’s aware that he’s by no means immortal. Unlike him, on the other hand, our way of ensuring that we never suffer fatal consequences is, as always, making use of money management strategies carefully, committing our capital gradually and, most importantly, never attaching too much importance to technical strategies or regarding them as possessing mathematical precision in predicting the future of the price action.

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How to Create a Technical Strategy: A Guide for Beginners.

How to Create a Technical Strategy: A Guide for Beginners

Performing analysis and combining indicator data to create a viable forex strategy often appears like a task suited only to the most experienced and professional traders. Beginners are intimidated sometimes by the mystical quality of the word “strategy”, and tend to associate the formulation of technical scenarios with the genius minds of Caesar, Napoleon, or Warren Buffet, for example. On the other hand, there is nothing that exceptional about the ability to design a strategy. Instead of timidity and worry about doing something wrong, it is much more productive and meaningful to be bold and try as many ideas and as possible as they present themselves to your mind. Since there is nothing right or wrong about a technical strategy as a general principle (let’s recall that technical tools never predict anything with complete precision and certainty) it’s clear that the search for a perfect strategy is futile from the beginning. Yet the fear of failure is what makes so many traders apprehensive about creating their own approaches. The merit of each strategy is strongly tied to the market conditions and the personal qualities of the trader using it. What may work perfectly for George Soros as a long term strategy may be unsuitable to a retail trader with less conviction and financial power to survive financial misfortunes. If we also recall that market dynamics change continuously, that no technical approach will be successful at all times by definition, we will acknowledge that the fears about creating a botched technical strategy are in fact empty. We do need experience, and practice in formulating our strategies, but those can not be acquired if we are frightful about making mistakes.

Now let’s take a look at how a technical strategy in a simple, step-by-step approach. In time, you may develop an altogether different method, but in the mind this template may serve your needs for clarity as a beginner.

1. Identify the type of the market

The first step must be the identification of nature of the market. Our choice of indicators will largely depend on the main characteristics of the market relating to its volatility, and whether it presents a range pattern or a trend for exploitation. It is not hard to determine what type of market the one that we are analyzing is, and only a cursory study with a few basic tools like trend lines, or horizontal lines for determining support/resistance levels should be sufficient.

The longer the timeframe, the more relaxed we may be in considering the impact of spreads, or the need for precision in determining the most suitable indicator type. In fact, it is a general principle that the longer the time frame of your chart, or the average lifespan of your positions, the easier it is to profit. Not only do long-term strategies decrease the proportional value of the spread cost, but they also entail a larger number of opportunities at the shorter timeframes that constitute the longer-term. You will have more chances to exit a faulty trade.

2. Choose the technical tools

The key point at this stage is picking only the tools that contribute to your goals in the trade, and provide the degree of precision that you require. The precision of signals generated by RSI and MACD are different, for example. Although the first will be very clear about the overbought/oversold levels in a range pattern, the MACD is used in conjunction with the divergence/convergence phenomenon, and is vague with regard to trends and market action as a result. In addition, your own risk tolerance, and money management style play a great role in deciding which indicators will yield the greatest value in your trades. For example, if you prefer a low volatility, low risk-reward trading style, indicators that perform best in strongly directional markets, such as the Williams Oscillator, will not find frequent use in your strategies. Conversely, as a trend follower, your strategies may consist entirely of moving averages.

At this point it is important to recall that there are no standard ingredients for forex strategies. It is definitely possible to create a forex strategy, and a perfectly viable one with only support and resistance levels and the RSI, or with moving averages and trend lines, as we mentioned. The decision about which indicators shall be used must not be arbitrary, but must depend strongly on the market’s type, and the trader’s own style and preferences in trading. On the web it’s common to encounter sites where a cocktail of various strategies are offered or even sold to traders as valid configurations in many types of markets. Once again, we’ll mention that the market’s dynamics change all the time, and that there’s no perfect tool or strategy that will be valid under all circumstances.

For those who seek a more precise list of what kind of tools may be usable in different market conditions, here’s a sample list.

Trend Patterns: It is possible to create workable strategies with only moving averages in trending markets. In this case, the trader will treat each major moving average level (30-50-100) as being an attraction center, hurdle, goal, whatever you’d like to term them, between which the price action will travel. Combining moving averages, while measuring how overextended the short term action is in various legs of the trend with various momentum indicators, is a generally valid method for the creation of forex strategies.

Range Patterns: Range patterns can be traded efficiently with support and resistance lines, and oscillators. The fundamental principle in the construction of forex strategies for range patterns is defining a range area with the support/resistance lines, and then remaining confident and aggressive as long as the price action remains in this region. Many different approaches, including layered entries, staggered trades on multiple timeframes, as well as simple range bouncing between the support and resistance points are all possible, and can be formulated with only a medium degree of learning and exertion of our mental powers.

Volatility: The Bollinger Bands, as well moving averages can be used to gauge volatility. When the moving averages of varying periods come closer, or the Bands contract, we have a low volatility environment, and vice versa. On this basis, scalpers, or trend followers may follow their favored methods.

3. Decide the Inputs

Once the basic structure of the strategy is created, it is time to decide on the various inputs related to the timeframe and period of the indicators. Only in cases where the price is demonstrating a well-identified pattern of periodic oscillations should we change the basic configuration of the indicator periods. On the other hand, there are some arbitrary values that help clarify the visual signals, and these can be modified in accordance with your tastes.

There are also some indicators where the starting conditions can be crucial to analysis. With Fibonacci Indicators, you can get drastically different results depending on where the initial phase is located. In that case, it will be a better course to carefully pick price extremes and apply our strategy beginning at these values in order to get a better long term perspective. Thus, if you’ll apply your trend strategy to this week’s price action, and it is the case that today’s trend is part of a bigger one with origins a month ago, it is better to take this extended period into account while deciding the inputs to the indicators, and performing the analysis.

4. Perform the final analysis

The final analysis involves the comparison of different approaches that arose during the examination phase, and the choice of the most favorable one with respect to profit potential, and risk profile. You can make use of back testing as well at this stage, but only to see if you made simple mistakes in formulating your strategies. For example, if you were creating a strategy that would avoid periods of high volatility, a little back testing may be useful to see if this goal is achieved. But back testing can never be used for determining the profitability of a strategy. This is because although volatility is well-defined as a concept, profitability is not. It is not hard to recognize a volatile market, but there’s no such definition about a profitable market. (The conditions that lead to profitability will be different in every market; they cannot be back tested.)

5. Execute the Trade

Once all the stages are completed, it is time to execute our strategy. It is important that you have enough confidence in your skills as a trader at this stage and avoid making arbitrary changes to your well-crafted strategy every time the market seems to be behaving in an unfathomable fashion. In the absence of major events (such as a major news release that contradicts the previous analysis, or the emergence of a divergence/convergence pattern in opposition to our previous scenario), the trade should be left to run its course, for better or worse, so that we can gain the necessary experience in forming and testing a strategy. There’s no expectation that each strategy will result in profits, and indeed, if your goals is discovering such a tool, you’re advised to never begin forex trading. You may be better equipped to complete your quest as an academic. As traders, we use the tools available, and they do not allow perfect predictions about the future at this stage.

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Thanks for your instruction here, all this useful and give me more chance in my business