Exporting data into ascii or csv files


i need to know if there is a way i am able to export data into text files that can update themselves. i tried currency loader with no luck does anyone know how i can do this?

i am at my wits end..

any help would be greatly appreciated. (sp?)


its possible if you know how to program


it already exist i just don't know how to use it.

can one of you guys (or girls) program the adata1.mq4 script to update itself .

there is one called "currency loader" that does it but i don't know how to use it. i connect it to the chart but it doesn't work for me. no files get saved anywhere.

it already exist i just don't know how to use it.

can one of you guys (or girls) program the adata1.mq4 script to update itself .

there is one called "currency loader" that does it but i don't know how to use it. i connect it to the chart but it doesn't work for me. no files get saved anywhere.

Hi kidhudi,

It is not the problem with data. It is the problem to get good software. It is the real problem.

The problem is that I am very busy in elite section from Friday till Monday full days.

I have one CD with all the data service providers: software, manuals and everything.

I posted some of them in the tool thread (in tool section). Just some of them.

So just wait for me, or somebody will reply, or just visit russian forex forums ( www.viac.ru and especially forex.kbpauk.ru/ubbthreads.php )

Or send PM to the people who understand Russian (Igorad, Beluck, Tartan etc).

Because it is always russian story: "i bought/found some software but do not want to pay for esignal and any".

It's ok. No problem. Wait for me or to visit the links I provided.

It is ok.



As far as I remembered about adata1.mq4, i got it from someone.


is another place where u can get DDE datafeed.

Attached is 1 DDE feed I got from another guy from another forum. U can modify it to do whatever u like; calcualte stop loss, risk %, etc.
