Batch Change - Time Frame Of Charts


Is it possible to change multiple charts, you have set up in MT4, in one action, rather than chnage each chart individually.

If I have 4 charts on 30 mins I would like to chnage them quickly to say 5 mins without doing each one seperately.


I know its a long time ago, but I thought still worth replying. I was searching for a way of keeping templates up to date across more than one instance of MT4, and for copying templates to other charts within MT4. Unlike Prorealtime, a template in MT4 is only valid within the single chart window it is drawn in, not across all instances of that instrument. The workaround I used was to use a macro recorder, in my case, I used

Smack Macro Recorder

I also used it to change the time period on a particular chart by using a hot key. It is important to record keyboard commands, not mouse movements, as the window positions change, but the keyboard commands remain the same. It is a bit of a kludge, and you need to think quite logically about how to use it, especially about the relationship between file locations on your computer, and which window is in focus when you start the macro, but it is an improvement on manually altering every single parameter in a chart by hand when you want to transfer a chart with all the lines and templates.