Bill Williams, Woodie and the game... - page 4

Could someone please explain the point of this thread

It seems that your inquiry could be answered simply by glancing at the title of the thread.

Thread: Bill Williams, Woodie and the game...

Despite not always being on topic, this wonderful thread has given insight not only into trading, but into scrying, the bible, internet acronyms, popular 90's movies, and most importantly, life.

To be fair you are right about the main advantage of CCI...its fast. Secondly, you are right that the correct way to use CCI is to compare different CCI's (your method uses different timeframes... I compare different settings).

However, I didn't like your idea because I think using CCI as a 'hook from extremes' is a volatile trade. Granted it will work in certain conditions but I believe it creates too many false positives overall and is somewhat like looking for a needle in a haystack...completely unnecessary.

When I started this thread I was planning on posting my variations on some of FX Sniper's ideas and Woodies indicators.

If you want to learn about other methods using CCI then I suggest you search elsewhere because I really can't be bothered talking to you.

The reason is because you came here originally sarcastically taking the piss out of other people's posts, bragging about all the 'experience' you've had, and even saying how many pips you made 'today'.... It's just a courtesy thing.

Igorad, for example, has more than 10 yrs experience as a fund manager and you don't see him mouthing off about his 'experience' or how many pips he's made today. I know some old guys who have been trading since the eighties but they don't where it like a badge. In fact no one good ever does....

There's also the obvious assumption that I think you are a dick...

Hmm, I mentioned how many pips I made once, because my post was about using certain indicators for the first time. And I don't remember bragging about my experience, which would be rather unfortunate for you, since your last rant was almost entirely based on it.

Could someone please explain the point of this thread

It's about experimental psychology....watching a chicken pecking at grain.


Hmm, I mentioned how many pips I made once, because my post was about using certain indicators for the first time. And I don't remember bragging about my experience, which would be rather unfortunate for you, since your last rant was almost entirely based on it.


To illustrate my point are a few of your gems (in this thread):

"I saw it as a skill, and over my many years I have developed many skills to very high levels."

"I'll actually go into more detail about how I traded with them yesterday, which was suprisingly good day for my first day using them. I usually do worse on long floating days than more energetic days, but still managed to pick out about 110 pips."

"I am aware that AO is a variation of MACD, I never claimed it not to be."

"First off, a lot of people think that CCI is useless, an indicator passed around to beginners as a sort of training wheel"

"It seems you have Bill's books and ideas, you let them narrow your mind"

It's all just a bit sad really...

Luv ya...


I see the one thing I said about pips, which I apologize for, I didn't know the group of "elite forum traders" didn't post their profits. And how is it that the other quotes are bragging about my experience? You seem to enjoy pulling out certain quotes and taking them out of context, as I seem to be responding to all of your posts clarifying something I had said earlier.

The whole chicken thing started for you later on in this thread, I oblige for the same reason I responded to your post in the first place. I repeat again, it is you missing something, not me.

God bless.

I see the one thing I said about pips, which I apologize for, I didn't know the group of "elite forum traders" didn't post their profits. And how is it that the other quotes are bragging about my experience? You seem to enjoy pulling out certain quotes and taking them out of context, as I seem to be responding to all of your posts clarifying something I had said earlier.

The whole chicken thing started for you later on in this thread, I oblige for the same reason I responded to your post in the first place. I repeat again, it is you missing something, not me.

God bless.

Aaaah.....yes. That would explain you answering my joke probes seriously and even posting your 'method'. Thankyou for the entertainment though.

Even I was particularly surprised you fell for the 'feel' the market comment but there you go...

I guess your parents endowed you with a rare form of 'self-protecting' autism.



The whole chicken thing started for you later on in this thread, I oblige for the same reason I responded to your post in the first place. I repeat again, it is you missing something, not me.

In case you weren't aware J, my chicken game started after your first post.

Logically: Do you really think I care about your 7-14-21 ema's?

How you 'feel' the market? Your take on RSI? Or did I even ask you about CCI?

One of the funniest moments for me was when you went into detail about AO.....It's just MACD for Christ's sake.

You even seemed a little taken aback when I criticised your method (which by the way is actually crap).

Not sure if I'd classify you as a chicken though.....maybe a lab rat on coke.

Catch ya...


You still haven't realized, well done Gramski.

You still haven't realized, well done Gramski.

Aaah yes, your autistic thinking yet again....


Does pretending you had control make you feel better about yourself Gramski? A mind can convince itself of anything, as long as you believe in it then your fine. It's ok Gramski.

And as you claim you started after my first post, I started with my first reply. Being somewhat bored I created an account on a traders forum, the next day I felt like toying with an active member, you. Starting with the obvious sarcasm which insulted not only you but your revered traders, it was easy to predict how you would respond. Then suddenly changing the mood, to the defending, no guilt, holy man. By changing the mood of the writing and throwing in some hints of sarcasm, you responded thinking you were above Jesus_irl.

Sadly, you still hold your view of greater importance over me, so you will most likely refute the idea that you didn't have the control you did. Ask yourself why someone with 3 posts who had signed up only one day prior, would be "attacking," seasoned forum members. Although in the end it doesn't matter, I enjoyed my week or so of posting.

"Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners."

Bible, 1 Corinthians xv. 33.