Bill Williams, Woodie and the game...


Have any of you guys read Bill Williams' books and/or traded Woodie's CCI?

I can honestly say that reading Bill's books taught me 'how to approach the game of trading' - New Trading Dimensions is a philosophical bible to me.

I don't actually like Bill's indicators however....

Woodies' concepts, on the other hand, taught me 'how to trade' Bill's philosophy.

Any thoughts?



1. No, I havn't

2. I answer questions with questions.

Are you marketing for Bill Williams or Woodie? (If not, you should look into it, you've got the whole gimick down).

And why are you quoting yourself?

1. No, I havn't

2. I answer questions with questions.

Are you marketing for Bill Williams or Woodie? (If not, you should look into it, you've got the whole gimick down).

And why are you quoting yourself?

Hello idiot.

Of course I'm not marketing for them....

For a start: Woodie isn't selling anything and, if you read my post again, you'll notice I say I don't like Bill's indicators.

I see you've only just joined and made three posts.

Save your lack of insight for somewhere else....numbnuts.


Did I offend you, I apologize. I was curious as to your involvement with these two people to see if researching them was justified. And although you claim not to like Bill's indicators, you admit that his books were like a philisophical bible to you.

I don't see the correlation between my recent arrival and my limited number of posts to me being ignorant. But I have noticed that many resort to childish insults when they feel threatened, such as calling someone an idiot, or numbnuts.

"A fool shows his annoyance at once, but a prudent man overlooks an insult."

-Proverbs 12:16

Did I offend you, I apologize. I was curious as to your involvement with these two people to see if researching them was justified. And although you claim not to like Bill's indicators, you admit that his books were like a philisophical bible to you.

I don't see the correlation between my recent arrival and my limited number of posts to me being ignorant. But I have noticed that many resort to childish insults when they feel threatened, such as calling someone an idiot, or numbnuts.

"A fool shows his annoyance at once, but a prudent man overlooks an insult."

-Proverbs 12:16

Thankyou for your biblical insight Jesus. However, if I were you, I wouldn't waste time quoting yourself.

Your sarcasm excedes your wit.


I'm not quite sure where I quoted myself, but I'll definetly keep that in mind for the future.

Did I offend you, I apologize. I was curious as to your involvement with these two people to see if researching them was justified. And although you claim not to like Bill's indicators, you admit that his books were like a philisophical bible to you.

I don't see the correlation between my recent arrival and my limited number of posts to me being ignorant. But I have noticed that many resort to childish insults when they feel threatened, such as calling someone an idiot, or numbnuts.

"A fool shows his annoyance at once, but a prudent man overlooks an insult."

-Proverbs 12:16

You seem to be apolising too often???? If you quote from the Bible, you may want to head the Bible also>>>>>>>> "Be gentle, etc" Also, if you know the Bible well enough read James Ch.3 v 6 and tame your tongue my friend.

Best wishes though.

You seem to be apolising too often???? If you quote from the Bible, you may want to head the Bible also>>>>>>>> "Be gentle, etc" Also, if you know the Bible well enough read James Ch.3 v 6 and tame your tongue my friend. Best wishes though.

I do not understand how I am apologizing too often, I have only once in this thread. I did mainly because I did not understand his sudden displeasure, and change in attitude towards me. And as for "taming my tongue," I see only slight sarcasm in my first post directed to get an answer to a question, but don't see any ill words directed to Gramski that would warrent the need to tame my tongue.

And I would like to draw people's attention to the first post, as this thread was opened as an inquiry. It seems that my comments irritated Gramski, and has forced this thread to shift to something else altogether.

I do not understand how I am apologizing too often, I have only once in this thread. I did mainly because I did not understand his sudden displeasure, and change in attitude towards me. And as for "taming my tongue," I see only slight sarcasm in my first post directed to get an answer to a question, but don't see any ill words directed to Gramski that would warrent the need to tame my tongue. And I would like to draw people's attention to the first post, as this thread was opened as an inquiry. It seems that my comments irritated Gramski, and has forced this thread to shift to something else altogether.

I guess it's because we think that your lack of understanding of transparent sarcasm precedes you....


hahaha, you guys are hilarious.

hahaha, you guys are hilarious.

One of the funniest threads I've read in ages...

Hopefully Jesus will grace us with his presence again....