FXiGoR-(T_S_R) very effective Trend Slope Retracement system - page 15


Don't you think that we can get better entry levels if we don't wait for the close of 15 min candles. I have noticed when watching the market live that when we have perfect set ups, and we wait for the close of 15 min candles the price has travelled up/down so much that the stop loss is too big for us to enter. Can we look at 5 min charts for confirmation? 15 min is a lot of time...we will be missing a lot of good moves if we wait 15 min for confirmation. My backtest was based on the idea that we enter as soon as the execute and signal line are the right color and we have the rest of the conditions in place. I might have missed some losing set ups that way but I think that in the long run I would be ahead.

I might be wrong, I need more screen time to give conclusive evidence in the form of live trades, but I feel that wating for the close of 15 min candles is in many instances too late to join the party....




I can be breef on this question.

If you want to join the party as soon as possible then trade from a 5 min. chart. But be awere that you will have a lot more noise and and that the signal line will get you out very quickly.

If you trade from a 15min. chart or whatever kind of time frame or with whatever kind of system one has ALWAYS to wait till the bar is closed. You only know if the indicators are in place the moment the bar is finished.



could you tell me ....

I tryed the zip file on posting # 1 and #2 and have no problems what so ever...remember that they are rar zip files. So install the rar programm it is a very common program.. regards...iGoR

.. lol.. Igor,

i was not having troubles.

the other guy was..

i was offering to help.

but i would like to know what your thoughts are about my other post # 139.

i posted on the previous page.

.. lol.. Igor,

i was not having troubles.

the other guy was..

i was offering to help.

but i would like to know what your thoughts are about my other post # 139.

i posted on the previous page.

Sorry furious angel but your question sounds like : iGoR could you please explain your system again to me...

I made aspecially the audio files so would not have to explain this over and over again.

On the audio file you hear that the big trend lines don't nescessarely come in to play...

If you are not realy shure about the rules then come to the chatroom on paltalk



.. ekk.. ok.. i will go sit in a corner with my dunce cap on..


The T_S_R daily range calculator v1.3 on posting # 2 is changed to v2.0 (it will give a bigger range)...


The T_S_R daily range calculator v1.3 on posting # 2 is changed to v2.0 (it will give a bigger range)... regards...iGoR

Which version do you use for daily breakout system ?


A few trades from London open today

Here are a few trades from London open on a demo account. You can see where I entered the market. I didn't take my profit because I fell asleep--I know it sounds pathetic, but it was around 3 a.m. here in the US. On a live account, I would've only traded usd/jpy because it was the cleanest set-up and I only take 1 trade at a time. The times that you see on the platform are CET+1, i.e. Alpari time +1hr.

P.S. I love watching the cable move--that currency is temperamental....

usdjpy.gif  56 kb

Profit would've been between 12-14 pips only but that is fine--you don't get 200 pips moves every day.


I waited for the close of the candle


I mean profit would've been 12-14 pips per currency pair. So, times 4, that would have been about 50 pips total. Not bad for an hours' worth of work...

The T_S_R daily range calculator v1.3 on posting # 2 is changed to v2.0 (it will give a bigger range)... regards...iGoR

Igor what is the difference between the new and the old version?

Is it a new calculation or does the old version contain an error?

Best regards