How to get High[1] on 2 diff charts at the same time


Thanks a lot for your help

Hi Kam,

This is iHigh explanation:


double iHigh( string symbol, int timeframe, int shift)[/PHP]
The iHigh function returns the High price for the given bar (the shift parameter is the bar number) of the given symbol and timeframe. The function returns 0 if the history data not loaded.
Note: If you want to get the High price (of a bar) of the current chart (symbol and timeframe) use High[int shift]function.
string symbol:
The symbol (currency pair) of the chart you want to get its bars number. Use NULL if you want to use current symbol.
int timeframe:
The timeframe (in integers, ex: 1,5,30,60 etc) of the chart you want to get its bars number. Use 0 if you want to use current timeframe.
int shift:
The index of the bar you want to get its High price.
[PHP]Print("Current High price for USDCHF H1: ",iHigh("USDCHF",PERIOD_H1,i));
for more details:

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Thanks codersguru