Elite indicators :) - page 246


Just a short addition :

In Shi silver trend indicator the problem comes mainly from the direction of calculation (I say mainly since it has a problem of not cklearing buffers too, but that one is a minor one).

It is calculated from right to left which should not affect calculation in 99% of cases except when the loop depends on external (external to the loop) values. And Shi silver trend depends on external values : the UD variable. Since it is calculated from right to left UD variable contains future value not the past value of the state (it is similar to 3 ema crosses indicator or solar wind indicator in that way)


I think that this type of errors comes mainly from people that were used to or are converting code from Tradestation. In tradestation variables can be accessed and inherited backwards but tradestation makes sure that the calculation direction is always correct. Once when the direction is inverted (and metatrader allows it) problems happen (almost all errors of this type can be classified as this error)

Here is a comparison of "right to left" calculation (small dots) and "left to right" calculation (big dots) :

shi.gif  25 kb
ssrc_1.mq4  8 kb
ssrc_2.mq4  8 kb

Hi Mladen,

I'm sounding like a broken record for asking for the following modifications, but could you please add the 'ForSymbol' and 'Invert' input options to your SSA of price - advanced histo.

Again, thank you for your time and effort.



I hope I understood correctly : made a histo version of it and multi time frame

regards Mladen

SHI SilverTrendSig


It would be great if you had time to correct it.

I really would appreciate.





Awesome mladen!!

Everybody Thanks:)


Here you go

Histogram version and alerts added
regards Mladen

Thanks Mladen


Hi mladen!!

Good morning mladen:)

I need 3 ADX revels on this indi.

Can adding this?

sorry my poor english :P


Mladen ,you may find this interesting it is one of historical volty method called Parkinson's Historical Volatility IVolatility.com - Services & Tools -> Knowledge Base -> Education -> Understanding IVolatility.com data .Thanks.

untitled.png  17 kb
Mladen ,you may find this interesting it is one of historical volty method called Parkinson's Historical Volatility IVolatility.com - Services & Tools -> Knowledge Base -> Education -> Understanding IVolatility.com data .Thanks.

Would you care to elaborate a little, Biddick? Confirmation only or trade selection?



I believe volatility is very critical element for determining the '' value'' .

''Volatility is well known to be very difficult to estimate accurately.

A common and well-known way to estimate historical volatility of a financial instrument is by calculating the standard deviation of each period in the sample.

Parkinson formula, named after physicist Michael Parkinson, to estimate historical volatility of an underlying. Contrary to the standard deviation formula, which uses only the security close price in its calculation, the Parkinson formula uses the high and low prices but do not use the close price. No method is better than the other and each one has its advantages and disadvantages.

historical volatility using different methods :

Historical Close-to-Close volatility

Historical High Low Parkinson Volatility

Historical Garman Klass Volatility

Historical Garman Klass Volatility modified by Yang and Zhang

Historical Roger and Satchell Volatility

Historical Yang and Zhang Volatility

Trading With MATLAB: Historical Volatility