Position Trading. - page 4


I think you live in Australia, even I don't have these pairs in my broker pair window.

Are you playing them long term, arethese pairs behave accordingly if we want to play them swing or position trading.

This is my current situation. I m still thinking about my stop loss of E/G i had right convention taking long but i think i took it little early now it is going north.

I'm not much worried about E/C loss becuase i know i did mistake here, I had to release some profit when it is 100+ or any reversal what so ever. I think i m still not much mature to take losses, this is all about mind game. Forget past, forget losses. I will think about future. Past is gone.

Good luck guys,


In this account I am "long term' holding for a week or so.

Yes i'm from Australia but i think it's just coincidence that all these pairs are aud

Can i ask what your risk % is per trade?

I tend to stay away from CAD pairs myself as I tend to take a fundamental position to backup the technical signal and I haven't learnt exactly what drugs the CAD is on (comms and stuff plus what else?? ), so yeah, i leave it alone. I like usd/chf, eur/gbp, aud/nzd pairs, dabbling in jpy now and then but have left them alone of late because of uncertainty.

new positions for me are a long usd/chf 1.2450 but i longed e/u on friday near close as i'm expecting a retrace early in the week. plan so far is to try and hold the u/c through the week and cover any adverse move with teh eur.

my goal with this style is to get a decent position averaged in (in my favour) and then to get heavy as it moves in my direction. however it's a fine line because if i get a 100 pips i usually sell enough to cover the original stop and leave it there, if it moves another 50 or so i look to stop at b/e and buy more at that level or on any expected dips.

oh and i'm short nzd/usd


hmm looking over nzd/usd short and i'm getting conflicting signals, might get out on monday.

hmm looking over nzd/usd short and i'm getting conflicting signals, might get out on monday.

Cool, I hit the right guess. I am very sorry to hear about 'Steve Irwin'. May his soul rest in peace, he was unique.

N/U: I did the same, I opened it up, and closed it around +11 pips, same reason very conflicting signals.

Right now I am thinking about taking long G/C.

My R/R depends upon how strong signal I m getting. Most of the time don't prefer to go beyond 5%, but some time I go very aggressive. It varies depending upon how confident I feel about my signal.

Lets see how things developed this week, no body knows future. What we know is just apply our method precisely.




My trades for this week, any comments will really be appreciated.



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Are you pure tech? if not any reason for bullish pound?

The short eur/gbp looks interesting to me but that last 100 pip run from 6690 has me wondering.

Best of luck though

Oh yeah, sad news about Steve Irwin, it's a shame to lose someone who made such an impression on so many people.


I've got a short sitting on u/j at 117.8 first target 117.20

oh and i got out of the nzd short for 11 pips... believe it or not!

Are you pure tech? if not any reason for bullish pound?

The short eur/gbp looks interesting to me but that last 100 pip run from 6690 has me wondering.

Best of luck though

Oh yeah, sad news about Steve Irwin, it's a shame to lose someone who made such an impression on so many people.

Yes you are very right this trade is basically very much technical. However, It will take time for other pairs to get strong against gbp. My both trade are not triggered.

If today range is small my convention will be still in favor of Gbp. Lets see.



I've got a short sitting on u/j at 117.8 first target 117.20 oh and i got out of the nzd short for 11 pips... believe it or not!

Great, i had the same pips out (n/u).

Short U/J, let me look at that.



I am full time forex long term is better my system use in long term, 50 to 200 pips for trade 8 pairs my system p = NOW LONG TERM no intraday term , I use in real too

I am full time forex long term is better my system use in long term, 50 to 200 pips for trade 8 pairs my system p = NOW LONG TERM no intraday term , I use in real too

My one of the reason to open up this thread to combine long term traders here. The whole forum is all about short term trading. So nice to hear from you. I will appreciate if you put your trades here, time by time, if possible real time.

By the way your statement is great but very few trades i can see. However, you can keep your trades record here in this thread to compair with us too.

Thank you,