Here's The Coderguru Pict - page 2


I Wish to you Healthy, Wealthy and Wise Life with your wife,

GoOn and bring all pips + $40,000 to your home and plane to go to maccea


Salam ahmed

I wish you win ensahallah and go to mecca.


I wish you to win as well.


Thank you for all you have done for the forex community CG, wish you the best of luck on the championship.


hi codergug

now we discovered the face under the mask

and wish you will be the winner


It's so cool.


nice interview..any details when this thing starts ?? i might put in a little EA ive been using for 3or so years...only if they had a manual contest id be down for that ...but good job and hope ya makes some pips



Great interview. the flow of the interviewand your genuine answers is indicative of the way you help others every day here. Thanks for helping us all in our trading careers.

Thanks for helping us all in our trading careers.

I hope you win that trip!


Greetings all : )

The interview was nicely done CG. . . and after reading it decided i needed to spend more time in this forum and joined the Elite section to check out what was going on w/EA trading. This particular forum is tops for EA info.

Best wishes during the contest.
