The truth why 90% or more traders fail. - page 2


Where is the blog.

Btw, I have been trading 4X since 2003 and still learning.

It is like I am in a university on a 4 year program

Hi there,

I paste the URL here once more, if TSD removes it again, oh well, I'll just place them in the same bin as Moneytec and SBFX and ForexFactory who infringe my rights to freedom of speech and expression.


I'm a fan of your indicators and looking forward to reading your blog.

Glad that we finally got tht URL stuff worked out.



Shocking article

Not a regular mumbo jumbo you read everywhere but an authentic writting. Interesting and with lots of truth in it, just the pressure and hot blood could be taken out.

I'm sure you learned or at least had fun on forums too, so it can't be a complete nonsense. I try to avoid unnecessary threads and discussions on forums, but every now and then there is always something good to read, learn or talk.



Just give me the blog link will ya......I like your attitude and I'm too one of the victims who suffer from mindless sensorship....but Forex-TSD is very good rather like forex factory and its clones...

I will tell you how to paste the link without getting deleted...:D

Copy the link in a note-pad or word file and ZIP it up and upload and let others download it from there..

but for can send me the PM and I will check it out...its time that i get a freash look at how i keep losing


Just give me the blog link will ya......I like your attitude and I'm too one of the victims who suffer from mindless sensorship....but Forex-TSD is very good rather like forex factory and its clones...

I will tell you how to paste the link without getting deleted...

Copy the link in a note-pad or word file and ZIP it up and upload and let others download it from there..

but for can send me the PM and I will check it out...its time that i get a freash look at how i keep losing


Whahahaha, I like you already. The place that hosted the blog are up to $%#$, so I moved it to a new location:

I just managed to procure some nice add-free webspace and will be setting up camp there soon with my OWN blog software and also a step-by-step trading guide including a system, for who-ever needs it

Don't be a stranger now

FX Sniper

Shocking article

Not a regular mumbo jumbo you read everywhere but an authentic writting. Interesting and with lots of truth in it, just the pressure and hot blood could be taken out.

I say leave it.

Sniper, if you are still reading this thread, bravo to you. I feel almost exactly the same way you do. I would add even one more thing (and the noobies hate hearing this): most newcomers, when presented with helpful, useful information, completely ignore it. Better yet, I have seen many argue against it, as if they were experts. It drives me mad.

The worst part is that most "forex-fodder" (the 95%) are beyond help. They simply don't have the psych makeup to succeed, and worse for them, will deny it until the last dollar of their capital. Worse for them, they may take their job and relationships with them (money rarely symbolizes only money).

BTW, I have used some of your indicators in MT4. You should know they are the highest quality, you should be commended for your work. I haven't found another author with the ingenuity you have.

I say leave it.

Sniper, if you are still reading this thread, bravo to you. I feel almost exactly the same way you do. I would add even one more thing (and the noobies hate hearing this): most newcomers, when presented with helpful, useful information, completely ignore it. Better yet, I have seen many argue against it, as if they were experts. It drives me mad.

The worst part is that most "forex-fodder" (the 95%) are beyond help. They simply don't have the psych makeup to succeed, and worse for them, will deny it until the last dollar of their capital. Worse for them, they may take their job and relationships with them (money rarely symbolizes only money).

BTW, I have used some of your indicators in MT4. You should know they are the highest quality, you should be commended for your work. I haven't found another author with the ingenuity you have.


The dude cracks me up all over the place and, yeah, you're right....his indicators do rock.


I just managed to procure some nice add-free webspace and will be setting up camp there soon with my OWN blog software and also a step-by-step trading guide including a system, for who-ever needs it

Don't be a stranger now

FX Sniper


By the way, nice blog. Well, money management is the holy grail to a forex trader success. I learned that the hard way.

I have improved along the way and developing my own trading style, but still needs a lot of improvement and guides.


i think it is because of money management


Hey guys !

You know those scenes in movies or real life even perhaps, where this snot nosed little fella will challenge you to a game of pool, or poker or whatever and you stand there thinking: "what the hell", I'll beat this little idiot with my hands closed and my eyes tied behind my back, so you take the challenge and you get your ass whipped BAD - OOPS Obviously this little fella knew he had an edge that gave him good odds. You on the other hand were thinking “ego”.

This is what I thought of the markets when I started and how I approached it even and got my ass kicked all over the place. And did I learn my lesson soon, nope, rather later than sooner really...took some doing and today still when I get nickered out of a trade because O a n d a widens spread to clean the tables and prevent losses etc...I still get this urge to get back in there and take my pride back, only diffs now is that I do it only 1 out of 10 times instead of 9 out of ten times

Thanks for your positive thoughts and posts!

Best wishes,

FX Sniper