The truth why 90% or more traders fail. - page 5


Another two major reason are dependency Over Signal and Trading without purpose.

Lily Sanderson:
Another two major reason are dependency Over Signal and Trading without purpose.

Similar to gambling

i think it is because of money management

Money management is the reason of failure but it is also necessary trader should proper trading skills and experience so that trading can be done properly.


Mostly peopleare attracted with the money making opportunity offorexthey think it a easy way of getingincome they do not makemuch hardworkon it and want much results that is why they are fail.They are in hurry to make them self rich it is a maincouse of their loss .

Master Forex IB:
Mostly peopleare attracted with the money making opportunity offorexthey think it a easy way of getingincome they do not makemuch hardworkon it and want much results that is why they are fail.They are in hurry to make them self rich it is a maincouse of their loss .

Many traders thinks that in short time they can generate lots of money from it so its important to understand the Forex first and then begin.


90% of traders trying their hardest to learn how to trade instead of learning how the market really works. You can never be a great trader if you don't know how price is moved even by 1 pip.


90% of traders lose money because of people like you who sell them junk and heavy promises.

That alone has left many searching for the non existent grail rather than learning trading.


90% of traders lose money because of people like you who sell them junk and heavy promises.

That alone has left many searching for the non existent grail rather than learning trading.

90% of traders lose money because of people like you who sell them junk and heavy promises. That alone has left many searching for the non existent grail rather than learning trading.

That's a very common reaction to anyone who tries to sell a working system. But my students and their own results speak for themselves. I don't need anyone's validation. I'm only offering this in goodwill. So take it or leave it. Don't harm me as I haven't harmed you in anyway.