The truth why 90% or more traders fail. - page 3


Hi FX_Sniper

I have read your blog and love it.

I think all the members of this forum should read it. I bet it'll make them think twice!

Good luck with trading!


Hi folks,

I have just been informed that the servers on which my blog is hosted is down for maintenance etc. and this might remain like this until some time Monday.

I was hoping to upload the first articles and indicators as you know.

In the mean time I will type them all up and upload at the earliest possible time.

Have a great weekend!

FX Sniper


I'm not being rude, to the topic starter, but i had to speak on this.

You make it seem as if trading is some kind of obsticale of destruction.

Well, trading is just a game, like any other gambling commodity, the rules aren't set competely in stone.

Wiether you're a fundamental trader, or a technical one, like myself.

I think that you are deluding and misrepresenting the truest issue as to why alot of traders fail, some who have traded for years and still cannot figure out why. What's the real reason as to why people fail? I am surprised that you would skip this most important fact as to why.

I'll tell you why.

Forex isn't regulated and brokers control almost everything that goes on with the price. As simple as that. If I was an owner of a large firm and i had millions of money hugry consumers that wanted to invest into my firm, wiether i had multi millions put into it, or even afew million to keep the business going AND i was all the way on the other side of the world, safe.

Away from the NFA police and couldn't be regulated for fraud, i would cheat every single last client that i can, down to the penny. That is what's going on and it is a cold hard fact. Because, simply. Nomatter what you are trying to say, there's something that out weights your arguement, the spread, the fees, slippage and the "don't blame your broker" argumentation.

Automated Systems work fine in demo and YES, YES there are simulated demos that have the same exact historical data of slippage, requotes, fakes and diverse price patterns and so on. All react the same as on demo AND LIVE accounts, however.

Their performances NEVER match.

Now, why is that?

I'll tell you, that is because that very speacial someone that wants more than just the spread, IS taking his, or her's position, against you and the fill.

Now, tell me i'm lying, i will direct you to Ross' forum, he is a very good Futures mentor, he knows more about why traders lose more than anything.

And i'm here to tell you that 'Regulation/Unchecked Fraud and Brokers/Casino Dealers are the sole reasons as to why, just why traders lose in the long over haul. And if you think that i am lying, or am parnoid, let me ask you.

What is 'Price Spoofing on the Buy', what does it mean?

If you can tell me that, then you somewhat have a point, but ifnot. Then, hey. YOU ARENOT telling the full story, and most of what you say is 75% BS.

The real


I like the way you think, you have a hidden agenda, as do I and many other traders that know alittle, just alittle bit more of the ropes than average traders. The reason i know most of this is dealbooks, my uncle.

He worked Real Estate cashflow noting and Insurance for many years.

If he told you some of the swaps popping up every five seconds, you would puke in total disgust and shame. Infact, most of it's genious.


i'm glad somebody has some real balls, some balls that you have to actually use the crowd's awareness against brokers, it may, or maynot work. But hey. I commend you for trying this. Like i said, i like the way you think. I myself am considering brokering. The Series 4 and entry exams are a pain in the ares, however. It is worth it. Cheating idiots, onto of idiots and more idiots for guaranteed profit and advancement?

I think i'll take that over ruioning my eyes over hidden divergence on a chart any day, and my eyes have had enough of charts shooting for small lots every 4 days of the week. Why do that, when i could cheat the guys that do, easily and get away with it? Legal, immoral, unethical, perhaps, but i won't go into detail.

The reason i say 95% worldwide in Forex is because, i treat 10% as 1, 1 being that of the manpower, the weaker half who's investments move very, very little and the %5, the firms that house the 2% winners. I didn't give human exact estimate, again. I am looking threw the eyes ofhow liquid the market really is. An unfair flow of price, the price movers always win.

Big investor, bank, hedge fund, firm, or broker. The price always wins, retail traders are just that. Extra funds to keep the big leagues moving, like crowds to a baseball game, waiting for that specially sign auotgraph in the inner field.

But, what did they pay just for the "chance to get in" to see the game, the autgraph doesn't go to everybody. Deception is what i was mentioning.

I will support your blog, the same as everyone else, like i said.

You got guts, finally. Another realist making their egde harder, maynot not by much, but. It is increasing the odds, smally.


Well, rightnow the smart money for now. Is Oanda, Oanda isn't cheating clients on a widescale because in my opinion they are waiting to build their client base abit. Just enough then. ..................The shananigans, oh well you get the picture.

The even smarter money is equitys, because rightnow EVERYONE is sleeping on it. The Emini S & P 500 and so on. These markets all have fierce deception and the price bookers are insane with cheating, i am surprised that it still goes on especially while being televised. However, it's much harder for them to cheat you, seeing that they do daily markups, you don't need that much to open an account.

$2,000 to $5,000 should do it.

Morality doesn't play a part in business. Neither does Karma. But, if you want to relate about karma, then here's a proverb.

"Play in Satan's den, and become Satan's food, or denounce your unjustly hast, rejoyce you are saved in your beliefs".

You can't deal with evil men and expect to have a stable moral way of live, your entire perception has to change if you are to survive at finance. You cannot defeat evil, nor conqurr greedy rich firms by making blogs, you may inspire other traders, or perhaps educate on something that wouldhave taken them years. Which is why i will try to contribute, but this.

You move bridges by making the bridge builders think twice. Soros, Gates, Livemore, Dennis, and many others will tell you that.

I wish you well also, but your agenda is to help others, hoping they succeed. It's an 'honest agenda', i never said it was evil, nor accused you of having an evil one. My agenda is like everyone else's to stop the bs. I believe if you're going to cheat people's hardwork, then atleast do it right. It just shows how stupid high society really is, there's proof, solid proof that they're doing it, however. It's the stupid people that never try to change whatever they can, or do anything, they just talk.

That's the game of life, the talkers and the doers.

Which is why i said, i commend the blog, how many people "do" and how many people watch and talk?

Just an observation as to why i believe that this forum and many others like well repeat generically and never change. And, that's why it's better to be a broker. The clients just keep falling for the samething, over and over and you get the picture. Stupid money is the best money, i was told that and i agree.


You have my support if you want to try to help others.

Hi there Klaka,

Dealing with a flakey broker to me is no different than dealing with a highly volatile trend I am trying to trade.

FX Sniper

Very true. Trading in a highly volatile trend is already a big headache. We don't need a flakey broker to add to the problem. For my experience, I consistently lose money with one broker while it is a complete reverse on another. And I was using the same method in my trading.