All John Ehlers Indicators... - page 40


replace the indicator with the one posted (take care that it is not renamed by the browser when you save it). It is correct (this is how it looks on my PC - I downloaded it from the same post and placed it on a chart)



am still having the same error message ,pls help
ef.gif  28 kb

thanks for the help

thanks mr. tools

but i cant attach it to a chart, when i tried to compile it , i get this error

signalline variable not defined

help still needed pls

Sorry about that Drunkpips, not sure how i did that, somehow my version in metaeditor is right but the one i posted screwed up anyway thanks for correcting it Mladen.


good work

i am searching this indicator golden square could be plz get it ?

untitled.gif  21 kb

Hello and thank you to all excellent contributors to this thread.

It seems to be dormant at the moment, but I wonder if anyonme can help me by providing a guiding insight or two.

I have read pretty extensively on John Ehlers articles and books and have read through this thread. and I have to admit to a feeling of "where does this sophisticated theory actually hit the road in terms of working systems and eventual consistent profitability?"

There are more indicators here than anyone can point a stick at, but apart from the "Better Sine Wave" posts (but the indicators seem to have been removed) there is no evidence of a "system" having been put together and tested. Lots of posts with increasing numbers of indicators of varying complexity but no clear unambiguous rules for entry, etc etc. In ,many ways the array of indicators is mind-numbing.

Can someone with greater thread experience than me comment on the utility of any systems that may have been develpod and if any have proven to be successful?

Perhaps I might ask the Learned Administrator for a view?

Many Thanks



Missed opportunity

Hey Gramski,

You have to go down in history as as having missed one of the biggest trading opportunities. You started this thread and as I re-read through it for the 4th or 5th time, it started ok.It went downhill from there I am afraid because you failed to grip and guide it. The more I read and digest the contents, the more it becomes clear that your driving motive must have been to acquire as many Elhers MT4 indicators as you could.

The biggest weakness is the total absence of drawing it altogether into a system or systems to test, discuss and develop. It fast became a forum for people to vommit indicators left right and centre with no discussion or comparison with competitor indicators. You were actually asked several time by one Member for your templat and indicators but yhou remained obstinately resistive to doing so - thus declaring your hand and motive behind the thread. We even had belkhayate stuff appearing which underlined the confusion between his COG based system and John Ehlers COG Indicator.

After reading this disjointed thread too many times, it is clear that 3 fundamental questions were never answered - in fact they were never addressed:

What are the best indicators to use for what type of market.

How do they come together to form a profitable strategy option.

What is the expected profitability of such developed systems.

That's regrettable because the subject is complicated enough, without inventing an approach that danced around the issue, spewing indicators, and failing to apply the focus an intelligence to attempt to join it all up.



swami charts

looks like John E has a new idea now - swami charts. So a new challenge for MT4 indicators writers

Just wonder if he really believes that his things can make money -he closed his eminiz site where he generated signals using corona charts, almost all strategies were losing money, now he opened swamicharts and tries to charge for using it.....

On the other hand i have no doubts that he is one of the most valuable contributors to 'Technical Analysis' mess



can any one help me and bring me gaussian filter

hello every one

i'm enterested in mostafa belkhyate

and i hear that he is using center of gravity and the timing indicator

recently i dicoverd that he was using something called (( gaussian filter )))

can any one help me and bring me this (( gaussian filter )) and tell me please how it work

hello every one

i'm enterested in mostafa belkhyate

and i hear that he is using center of gravity and the timing indicator

recently i dicoverd that he was using something called (( gaussian filter )))

can any one help me and bring me this (( gaussian filter )) and tell me please how it work

and another quistion

i read the first tow pages and i found you post alot of indicator for john ehler in 2007

is it still work for now days???

and i want to ask a stubid quistion as i am a biggener hahahahahaha

who is that guy john ehler and what is the difference with his indicator or what is his importance and why people says he is very smart ??


Gaussian filter with order (poles) up to 12 here :

Gaussian filter with order (poles) up to 23 here : info about Gaussian filter : Gaussian filter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

About John Ehlers (just the first link that I got from a google search) : Home

hello every one


can any one help me and bring me this (( gaussian filter )) and tell me please how it work ...