Problem sending email


Hi All

I'm trying to code a procedure to send an email but it doesn't send it.

In particular i guess there is an error related to \r\n usage in Body part of email :

string BodyEmail = " Account Balance = "+DoubleToStr(AccountBalance(),2)+"$"+

"\r\nAccount Equity =+DoubleToStr(AccountEquity(),2)+"$"+

"\r\nAccount Profit ="+DoubleToStr(AccountProfit(),2);

So my question is : how can i code Body email to be able to show something like this in body email ?

Account Balance = 1234$

Account Equite = 1234$

Account Profit = 1234$

Hi All

I'm trying to code a procedure to send an email but it doesn't send it.

In particular i guess there is an error related to \r\n usage in Body part of email :

string BodyEmail = " Account Balance = "+DoubleToStr(AccountBalance(),2)+"$"+

"\r\nAccount Equity =+DoubleToStr(AccountEquity(),2)+"$"+

"\r\nAccount Profit ="+DoubleToStr(AccountProfit(),2);

So my question is : how can i code Body email to be able to show something like this in body email ?

Account Balance = 1234$

Account Equite = 1234$

Account Profit = 1234$

I don't know the answer on your particular question but some weeks ago I collected everything related to email coding to one thread: coding, examples, sample indicators and so on. Besides we have one indicator with email already (some version of PriceChannel from Igorad). It was coded to have sms (but via email of course).

So, it is here

I don't know the answer on your particular question but some weeks ago I collected everything related to email coding to one thread: coding, examples, sample indicators and so on. Besides we have one indicator with email already (some version of PriceChannel from Igorad). It was coded to have sms (but via email of course). So, it is here

Thx NewDigital

i will look carefull to those links