HAMA PAD - A Simple Trading Approach - page 184

I have a live account with NorthFinance mainly for the use of MT4's charting capabilities.

My main trading account is with DBFX. I know this method works because I have been using it. Plus, all the guys in the trading room have offered some invaluable input in the proccess.

I will not share any trading results with you -or anyone else for that matter. We have all been calling our trades in the room and tried to perfect our trading (that's mosty why I miss being able to access the room from work).

I would suggest you start taking a look at the method that is available here for free. If you feel it works for you, you could consider joining the HAMA family when (and if) fxcruiser opens up some spots in the future.

In any case, I wish you all the best.

What is the profit goal?

Less then 10% a month doesn't interest me.

I have a live account with NorthFinance mainly for the use of MT4's charting capabilities.

My main trading account is with DBFX. I know this method works because I have been using it. Plus, all the guys in the trading room have offered some invaluable input in the proccess.

I will not share any trading results with you -or anyone else for that matter. We have all been calling our trades in the room and tried to perfect our trading (that's mosty why I miss being able to access the room from work).

I would suggest you start taking a look at the method that is available here for free. If you feel it works for you, you could consider joining the HAMA family when (and if) fxcruiser opens up some spots in the future.

In any case, I wish you all the best.

Dear Ssotiro,

Are you happy with DBFX ?

I search information on it, can you tell me about execution and if there is slippage ?

In short, do you make serious money with them ?



A little info for those new to Forex on an important event --

Am putting up this little post since a historical thing has just recently happened in the international currency world, and newbies should be aware they've entered a building where the main floor (the USD) has just fallen out after 36 years.

Besides the regular tasks of learning all kinds of new things about currencies, there is also this important historical event which a newbie could easily miss, at least for a few weeks, or a few months, or ... maybe longer. Here is a little summary of what you might not otherwise figure out for awhile ...


Before 1971, there was really no "Forex," no real international currency trading: if you had $35 USD you could go to a US bank and get one ounce of gold. Many did, and then resold the gold for much more than $35 USD. So the "gold window" was closed by President Richard Nixon in 1971.

But if a USD wasn't measured by gold any longer around the world, then by what? How could anybody price anything in or for USD, or for any currency for that matter in relation to the USD?

Somebody then took a group of major currencies and averaged out the USD value when compared to that group day-by-day. Since then, we have neat little charts known as the "US Dollar Index." In 1973, the USD started out at a scale of 100 on this new US Dollar Index (symbol USDX). Over the years, the .80 level came to be looked upon as showing a "weak" US dollar, but also as a key flashpoint. For nearly 20 years, the USD never even briefly popped below it.

It happens that in July 2001, the USD on the Dollar Index was 121. That was just before the current administration convinced the Congress it needed to print up as many USD as necessary to put out no-bid no-limit contracts and other expenses to go get Bin Laden in Afghanistan (have they got him yet?), and then also to print up some more USD for more of the same to go get those weapons of mass destruction in Iraq (did they find them yet?). All that printing of USD has certainly been good for many contractors with no-bid no-limit financing (billed to the US taxpayers who pay for the USD) ... but not so good for the USD on the Dollar Index. All the new USD's caused the value of all the existing USD to go below 100. And now they've just recently dropped below the "magic number" of .80 .

But if the USD value is now not 121 anymore as it was in 2001, and has dropped below the magic line of 80 -- why would currency traders around the world want to buy it? And why would those who already have a bunch of USD want to hold onto them instead of selling them? (since however many widgets you could buy with a USD in 2001, you can today only buy 2/3 as many). But, wait ... we might ask: will the American people put enough pressure on the politicians to stop the printing of no-bid no-limit contracts, especially for Afghanistan and Iraq contractors? The mid-term elections of Nov. 06 showed votes in that favor, but then the Congress kept doing exactly what it did before. Are those in charge deliberately flooding the world markets with USD for some particular purpose?

Who knows? We will all have to wait and see. But either way, since the currencies of the world are largely traded by their comparison to the USD, I am posting the 2 or 3 little items in this article to give the newbies a little bit of the "big picture" -- because ... as you will hear AGAIN AND AGAIN on this thread from FXC and the regular members ... many of the issues in these markets are not just limited to which indicators you can go download for a chart.



Hey Pitt,

I'm still around....just had to have some time away to get things (chart stuff) sorted out. Call it an R&D (not R&R) hiatus.

Catch you in the room next year mate...


Hello Gramski

Thank you for sharing ur chart..it looks very nice and very ineresting stratgy

Could you please post ur templete and those indicators..??

Thank you very much in advance for ur help


Be carefull with them

Do you have some brokerstatements?


Be cautious with this group. strongest indications of being scam. if going a little bit back to the thread you will notice some of the reasons:

1) nothing verfiable sofar, just some reports once getting a good trade

2) changing the trading style all the time. sometimes scalping, sometimes swinging, sometimes forex, sometimes futures, etc.

3) in many cases missusing this public thread by promoting signals and colorfull charts without any verifiable rules, instead of using a commercial thread

4) once critisim is coming up you will notice many of them (propably the same person and his alias) starting personal attacks (very typical for scam)

5) promoting to be a closed group


but if you have the time to test them and give your objective feedback in the room, that would be perfect


I am no longer a member of HAMA traders, but I will be the first to tell you it is no scam. EJ is honest. The gang in the trading room are all very willing to help new members with learning the system. If you want to learn a system this is one of the best groups to learn from.

They dont call trades for you they teach you to trade for yourself.

It will be well worth all the effort you put into getting into the group.

Happy New Year



Funny you should say HAMA's are a scam seeing as how where I come from, scams operate a little differently.

1. Show e.a. backtest w/ good modelling quality and claim to expect similar profits to come rolling w/o so much as taking your scratching finger from you a** to execute orders. "Even a mole can make money w/ this setup"

2. Charges as much as they think they can get away with, even if it's your mortgage, 401k, and Christmas monies. "For the low low price of your first-born..."

3. Usually represented by some shady characters of whom the likes no one has ever seen or heard and disappears just as quickly as they came, leaving in their wake, financially "raped" ignorant and uneducated newbies and leaves a pile of empty wallets and trail of tears in their wake.

4. Try to recruit as many as they can before they get busted for what they really are w/o any kind of discretion whatsoever and do so by creating a sense of urgency "We are out of spots but for a sucke.....I mean a man of your caliber, we can make an exception"

5. Usually has some poor disgruntled soul who comes back to the thread from whinst they came that calls it for what it is.

Had you read the whole thread then you would know that nobody claimed it was easy as clicking your mouse, or that a system was being sold, or that everybody and their mothers would be allowed to join, or that this setup was for everyone's personality, or made "personal attacks" unless personally attacked.

People have been knocking the system since the jump and I was hesistant to join the group. As a result of me taking a calculated risk (after all, that's what traders do), I've made several real friends, learned new things, and have progressed in many regards. FX Cruiser has been nothing but realistic, honest, and sincere in his pursuit to give back to those that helped him by reaching out to those who are open to receiving his assistance and are willing to put in the hardwork and have the discipline, patience, and focuse to improve the chances of their success. I have seen for myself what the power of hard work and discipline can do. Try it for yourself if you don't believe (if you haven't done so already) and then post your statements so that we all may see how successful you are to be an authority on who and what is a scam and what is not. I'm not sure which thread you read, but it couldn't have been this one because all of your claims are inaccurate. I could care less about you knocking the system because you only make a fool of yourself commenting on something you know nothing about and it doesn't affect me financially. However, you have "personally attacked" the individuals whom have said opposite of your claims, myself included and I will not sit quietly while you attempt to befoul my name. No worries. Keep it moving. Stiff upper lip.

Have a good day.




Well Put

Well put FFL, I had thought to comment on that post earlier but decided after reading other posts from tdpska I thought better of it because he likes to flame far more then contribute. If he ever took the time to read the thread he would have seen many statements. To point out that a system is robust enough to trade many different types of markets and different TF's as somehow being negative is very telling in itself. I would welcome a statement from him/her showing his/her trading ability, but flamers rarely do that. They like to spend their time blowing things up and running away.

What is the profit goal? Less then 10% a month doesn't interest me.

I' sorry for the late reply. I was on holiday. I can tell you that this method wins much more that it loses. As for the %, I guess it's up to you and the MM you are using. For me, 10% per month is quite nice (about 3 times more than my savings account would return in a year).

Hope it helps.

Big Joe:
Dear Ssotiro,

Are you happy with DBFX ?

I search information on it, can you tell me about execution and if there is slippage ?

In short, do you make serious money with them ?


I am quite happy. The spreads could be better (4pips EJ, 8 pips GY, 4 pips GU and 2 pips EU) but overall, I am happy. I have not faced any slippage or missed stops. I should tell you that I do not keep open trades during news, so the situation might be different then.

I also opened a small account with Oanda recently, just to test the waters. Very happy with them too.