HAMA PAD - A Simple Trading Approach - page 212


Hama Lines with sound alert

Jim Clark:
Hi all,

In this Indi I would like that an alarm will sound when an arrow will appear.

Would be extremely helpful.

Thank you in advance and greetings

Jim try this modification and let me know if its what you are looking for. You have your choice of alerts. You can choose from arrows, sound, or popup and you can also choose the sound file you want to play. Just change the "SoundFilename" to your choice, don't forget to put the sound file in your sounds folder in MT4. You can choose all 3 alerts or any combination you like. Hope this helps


FxCruiser, I have applied to your Google group by the name 'Yogesh' (my real name). Looking forward to a favorable response from you.

Also, I request the existing users of Z3 to post charts in this thread and keep the action going....



Jim try this modification and let me know if its what you are looking for. You have your choice of alerts. You can choose from arrows, sound, or popup and you can also choose the sound file you want to play. Just change the "SoundFilename" to your choice, don't forget to put the sound file in your sounds folder in MT4. You can choose all 3 alerts or any combination you like. Hope this helps

I like this. I'll test it out.



Is anyone getting good results on the original HamaSystem ?

Is anyone getting good results on the original HamaSystem ?

wondering this myself.....

Is anyone getting good results on the original HamaSystem ?
wondering this myself.....

Have you guys demo traded it at all? There is more to it in trading. HAMA is just that an indicator; it's not even a system in itself. However, with proper patience, discipline, and focus, you can trade profitably with it.

Take a look at the chart screenshot below. Where do you find your HPE, your higher probability entry? What would influence your trading decision? What conditions do you want to see before you enter your trade, your exit?

Don't wonder, find out yourself.



This is just to follow up on my previous post above.

The HAMA PAD approach or the Z3 Market Flow system may, is, and will be very profitable to others yet could be a losing proposition to some.

If you like what you see and read about HAMA, Z3, or any other system, test drive it, put in your sweat and tears, invest your time, effort, and/or money if necessary. Yes, give it your time, long enough time to see how the law of averages will work for you on this method or any other. Most people quit when they're just right on the edge of winning. Now, we wonder why traders jump from one indicator, one system to another. These constant changes are the ones that will eventually rob you of your dreams. You will get out of the trading arena, in most cases, even before you find or get near your holy grail. In turn, you become one of the 90% statistics.

Come on, guys! Fire up your dreams. If you have a burning desire and you want to succeed in trading bad enough, pick A SYSTEM, be it HAMA PAD, Z3 or anything else you like for that matter, WORK YOUR ASS OFF; KICK ASS and pour in everything you got to make it work for you. If you stumble into a wall, stop, look, read, and listen. Retrace, go back n check what you did that cause you to hit that wall. Ask question. Journalize your trading activities, BE ACCOUNTABLE to yourself and preferably also to another, to your mentor/coach. Do a blog, post your chart with all the details why you took certain action. DO whatever it takes to resolve the issues and challenges facing you in trading the system. You cannot be a one passive "wannabe succesful trader" be proactive. Take charge of your trading. Hold yourself responsible and accountable.

FINISH STRONG! This is for you all. > Finish Strong Movie



Thanks Fxcruiser,

The Finish Strong is so impressive and educative.



This is just to follow up on my previous post above.

The HAMA PAD approach or the Z3 Market Flow system may, is, and will be very profitable to others yet could be a losing proposition to some.

If you like what you see and read about HAMA, Z3, or any other system, test drive it, put in your sweat and tears, invest your time, effort, and/or money if necessary. Yes, give it your time, long enough time to see how the law of averages will work for you on this method or any other. Most people quit when they're just right on the edge of winning. Now, we wonder why traders jump from one indicator, one system to another. These constant changes are the ones that will eventually rob you of your dreams. You will get out of the trading arena, in most cases, even before you find or get near your holy grail. In turn, you become one of the 90% statistics.

Come on, guys! Fire up your dreams. If you have a burning desire and you want to succeed in trading bad enough, pick A SYSTEM, be it HAMA PAD, Z3 or anything else you like for that matter, WORK YOUR ASS OFF; KICK ASS and pour in everything you got to make it work for you. If you stumble into a wall, stop, look, read, and listen. Retrace, go back n check what you did that cause you to hit that wall. Ask question. Journalize your trading activities, BE ACCOUNTABLE to yourself and preferably also to another, to your mentor/coach. Do a blog, post your chart with all the details why you took certain action. DO whatever it takes to resolve the issues and challenges facing you in trading the system. You cannot be a one passive "wannabe succesful trader," BE PROACTIVE. Take charge of your trading. Hold yourself responsible and accountable.

FINISH STRONG! This is for you all. > Finish Strong Movie

