HAMA PAD - A Simple Trading Approach - page 205


Will the YEN hold its STRENGTH?

On 6/15/09, the EURJPY BEARS managed to hold on control of zone 322 at the upper 137 range and again on 7/2 when they the held BULLS from pulling the price up to the upper 136 range, high of 136.87 last week. From there, the YEN counter pairs weakened further and gave us lotsa pips on our short swing and day trades through end of last Friday session.

EURJPY daily chart as shown below is on Sideway mode based on the Z3 Trend Factor Score. Friday's close was lower than the previous day yet higher than this week's low. The early part of this week's open will be interesting as we may see some constant TOW sessions (Tug-of-War) between the BULLS and the BEARS.

As of Friday, EURJPY is still below the HAMA on D1 and the hourly. We can anticipate the usual retracement in the early sessions. But, word of wisdom, always trade what you see on your chart. I will watch the opening sessions where the BULLS and BEARS players line up from there. Trade well!



So I'm guessing/hopping that by showing off the Z3 system you're going to make it publicly available?

Om_Salat, I have shown the Z3 system from its developmental stage last year or even before that. Since it is zigzag based, you can use the available indicator on MT4 or any of its modifications as posted in this forum. The full system itself was made available to members of the HAMA Traders Group.



the plain hama pad looks better than z3.... too many indicators then it gets more complicated and harder to earn pips

That may very well be true, dzmrd. Pips are still being made by it's users as a stand alone or with some other confirming indicators. HAMA PAD is simple and with proper timing of entry, you can, like you said, earn good pips. This simple approach is actually 2 parts, the HAMA and the PAD. What seems to make Z3 look complicated is simply an expansion of the PAD - price, area, direction. The HAMA is built into it. The rest are visual tools.

From simplicity, comes complexity then to sophistication, as one becomes skillful in observing the market and trading his chart accordingly. As trader gets to his optimum trading potential, the light comes on and says: AHA! IT IS SIMPLE, afterall.

So, I just complicated the simple answer to your simple question. The point is, stick to what works best for you while the same time refine your trading skills from there. But what the heck, for 20 pips a day, who needs all that. You decide!



Thank you very much. Very interesting and useful.

mehdi, you are welcome. I am glad you like it. Keep us posted with your progress here. Thanks.




hi I'm new here. I have one question regarding this trading system. What is the suitable time frame? tq


I'm newbie, thanks for your contributions.

I have read all 200 pages of the forum.

It is amazing how the system works, as both the H2 version better understood.

But it is a very good job fxcruiser.

Only I do not have their system, and I can only look here.

I can not enter the system freedom Z3 blog (hamatraders.ning.com) because I have no invitation.

How can I enter the blog, for the system?


hi I'm new here. I have one question regarding this trading system. What is the suitable time frame? tq


Whatever time frame suits your trading style and the block of time you have to trade with HAMA. Each would have its own pros and cons. If you had read the thread, you may have noticed that I have applied the HAMA from Daily to 1 minute timeframe.

I hope that the quick chat we recently had on YM was helpful.



I'm newbie, thanks for your contributions.

I have read all 200 pages of the forum.

It is amazing how the system works, as both the H2 version better understood.

But it is a very good job fxcruiser.

Only I do not have their system, and I can only look here.

I can not enter the system freedom Z3 blog (hamatraders.ning.com) because I have no invitation.

How can I enter the blog, for the system?


jcarne, you are welcome and thank you, too. So you have read the entire thread, CONGRATULATIONS! Your trading adventure has just begun and welcome to the forex jungle [market].

Yes, the system works but more importantly, YOU make it work for YOU! HAMA PAD is simple, the H2 version [no longer in use] was complex while the current Z3 sophisticate the PAD trading concept.

The Z3 Freedom blog at ning.com is no longer active and I will change the signature link later on today. In the meantime, if you wish to be considered for the HAMA Z3 Bootcamp, you may register via this link: http://groups.google.com/group/hamatraders



jcarne, you are welcome and thank you, too. So you have read the entire thread, CONGRATULATIONS! Your trading adventure has just begun and welcome to the forex jungle [market].

Yes, the system works but more importantly, YOU make it work for YOU! HAMA PAD is simple, the H2 version [no longer in use] was complex while the current Z3 sophisticate the PAD trading concept.

The Z3 Freedom blog at ning.com is no longer active and I will change the signature link later on today. In the meantime, if you wish to be considered for the HAMA Z3 Bootcamp, you may register via this link: http://groups.google.com/group/hamatraders



Ok,,, my subscription into hamatraders it's pending.

I hope I hope that it will soon be approved.




On post 2048, the question was raised whether the YEN will hold its strength against the EURO. EURO answered NO this last week as we saw the EURO BULLS took control of the move retracing the previous week's downside market action. EOD Friday, BUYERS retested Zone 312@133.40 piercing merely by 7 pips to close end of week's high 133.47 which is lower than previous week's high. Friday EOD closed was still above the daily open, however and below July's open.

High risk counter trend short were taken on hourly chart below the 133.40 and the high of last Thursday filled at 133.20 with tight stop. Reversal or continuation of the downside BEARS move is not confirmed yet. Price is still above the HAMA. Watch Monday's opening and trade your chart and signals accordingly. Have a profitable week!

