Easy Language Tutorial! - page 3


convert mq4 to easylanguage


Can anyone help me please converting this mq4 scipt to easylanguage. Is a script that exports realtime data to a csv file and update it every tick.

string gs_76 = "";

string gs_84 = "";

int init() {

gs_84 = Symbol();

return (0);


int deinit() {

return (0);


int start() {

double l_ask_0 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK);

double l_bid_8 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID);

double ld_16 = l_bid_8 + (l_ask_0 - l_bid_8) / 2.0;

log("" + ld_16);

return (0);


void log(string as_0) {

int li_12 = TimeLocal();

li_12 -= 18000;

string ls_16 = "";

ls_16 = "" + TimeYear(li_12);

ls_16 = ls_16 + "-" + TimeMonth(li_12);

ls_16 = ls_16 + "-" + TimeDay(li_12);

int l_file_8 = FileOpen(gs_76 + "\\" + "log__" + StringSubstr(gs_84, 0, 6) + "_" + ls_16 + ".csv", FILE_CSV|FILE_WRITE|FILE_READ, ';');

if (l_file_8 > 0) {

FileSeek(l_file_8, 0, SEEK_END);

FileWrite(l_file_8, ls_16 + " " + TimeHour(li_12) + ":" + TimeMinute(li_12) + ":" + TimeSeconds(li_12), as_0);




Thanks in advance




Can you send a link to tradestation indicators?Thanks. 



Can you send a link to tradestation indicators?Thanks. 

What happened to them?
What happened to them?
I  guess that it happened while the migration ...