SideWinder for CCI: My first release - page 6


Morning Gang !

First off, thanks for all the nice words, it really makes my attempts worth while.

I have temporarely disabled the Angles from showing all together and will later on have it displayed somewhere else for those interested, at this point it is more a novelty than a necessity.

Finaly, sorry for the "outdated" messages you all got today. I have replaced the indics. with the changes just mentioned all intact for you all to enjoy once more. I think this might be a good time to explaine why this has happened. I have built in a time limit on all these "beta" versions which should be sifficient time to get to the next "beta" version. I do this not because I intend on ripping you off but to prevent a situation where there will be many different working versions in the end. So rather think of this as a automatic cleanup function that makes sure we always have the latest working ones installed, when all the testing is done and we are all content that it is just right, I will relesease a unlimited version and then we all live happily ever after

I honestly appreciate all the feedback I am getting and still invite all to please help me get SideWinder up to par with what it should be.

As mentioned on the SBFX forum, there are variouse clone versions out here, and all this cloak and dagger stuff may in the end have a negative effect on the whole show. Not even the Tradestation 8 indicators provided on the Woodie forum is remotely close to the indicators in the live chat rooms, which are the one's I am trying to duplicate. It is thus difficult to test this propperly and it is the second reason why I started this thread - to get help so I can help you all again.

Even the CZI code logic, which came from Woodie himself, and is coded into the CZI indicator by Red Duke and now the overlay version I posted, does not seem to exactly duplicate what they are using. It really is difficult to help people and code precision indicators when the information is being with held. I have appreciation for Woodie trying to prevent the logic from being commercialized. But there is a need for it in MT4, and his reputation is based on his free sharing. And in the end, this is just my opinion, him witholding it in the manor he is, will fual the release of many clones which are inferior and faulty and it all will just have the opposite effect that he is hoping for. If we could get it, many coders will start building it for all platforms and post it open source on forums like this and that should take care of the comercialization problem, just like making drugs legal, will mess with the price, or making Linux open source etc... just my thoughts.

Anyhow, once more thanks for the help so far !

Best wishes.

FX Sniper

So rather think of this as a automatic cleanup function that makes sure we always have the latest working ones installed, when all the testing is done and we are all content that it is just right, I will relesease a unlimited version and then we all live happily ever after FX Sniper

Thanks FXSniper for your efforts.

One more question: the latest indicators seems working on the SBMT now. However, since SBMT is down currently, I tried NEXTT StrategyBuilderMT, and found there are no displays for both indicators. Could you check that when you have some free time?




Hi there nirvanatiger, thanks for the explanation, I shall have to be patient.

In the meantime, I edited the b-clock.mq4 to change from chart window:-

//#property indicator_chart_window

#property indicator_separate_window

This gives overlay of ema angles = clear time output and separate window for b-clock. I then close this up so it is not showing.

Another problemo though with the sidewinder. I have opened a demo account with FXDD. Whereas the sidewinder works perfectly in this StrategyBuilderFX program it just comes up as a solid red bar in FXDD. Any comment Fx_Sniper?


Hi there Bobby et al,

The indicators should work on any platform I suppose, there is nothing in the code that prohibits this. I have had people with this problem before and gave my limited advice.

The easiest thing you can do is to check that you actually have enough history, when you place the indicators on your charts, there is a setting called "limit" which tells it for how long back to draw the indicators, if you only have 600 bars ( easy happen when you install a new setup with limited bars in history ) you will get a blank window... so try get more history by scrolling back in your charts to allow it to load more and try again.

Alternatively change the "limit" setting to say 300 or whatever.

Other than this, I have no explanation why it would not work - I appologise for this.

Best wishes

FX Sniper


Hi there Fx_Sniper, You are agin correct!!!! Hmm..... As you suggest, I changed the timer value fromm 1000 to 500 -- Brilliant. Excellent work and congratulations are in order

The easiest thing you can do is to check that you actually have enough history, when you place the indicators on your charts, there is a setting called "limit" which tells it for how long back to draw the indicators, if you only have 600 bars ( easy happen when you install a new setup with limited bars in history ) you will get a blank window... so try get more history by scrolling back in your charts to allow it to load more and try again. FX Sniper

It turned out to be this reason. Thanks a lot.

Best Wishes,




I have a little problem

The chop zone not display in my platform, whereas the sidewinder display

I try on 3 different platforms ibfx, mig, northfinance

And i have more than 2000 bars in history

And i take the latest indicators this morning in post 24

Please do something

It's a real great indicators set



Hi FX Sniper

Firstly I would like to thankyou for the effort and work you have put into theses fantastic indicators. I have been following this thread from the begining and have been fortunate enough to test both updates.

Like Big Joe I also have problems with the last CZI overlay update, it dosn't show up on the platform and also slows, and at times stalls the platform, after deleteing it everything runs as normal. I have used Volty choppy in the past and it has a similiar problem, I don't know if others are having the same problem (May be My computer) in any case I hope this can be easily fixed, thanks again and look forward to the on going developement of these very useful indicators.

Big Joe:

I have a little problem

The chop zone not display in my platform, whereas the sidewinder display

I try on 3 different platforms ibfx, mig, northfinance

And i have more than 2000 bars in history

And i take the latest indicators this morning in post 24

Please do something

It's a real great indicators set

I have NF live and chop zone works fine -- set to 1000. I have max bars in chart set to 10000. If you are using it on a higher Time Frame than 30 min then change to setting 500


Thanks kiwigold,

But me too, i'm in the first users of meta 4

And i tried everything possible in order to make the czi display

But no way