Cyklotron 2.4 : a FREE program for analysing the markets.....


Hi to all

Download prog here :

Download 30 days License key here :


if you make a backup file of your windows BEFORE installing the license key, you SHOULD BE ABLE to re-use the license key FOREVER...

BUT for that, you'll have to use a program like TrueImage or Norton Ghost...

Foreseeing the future, in terms of market sentiment generally - so that the individual investor can be certain that his investment will bring him a profit, irrespective of his position (as a rule individual investors buy, rather than sell, in order to generate a profit) - has been made possible by the Periodia mathematical method...

The latest full, commercial version of Cyklotron EOD (End Of Day)software - a revolutionary investment method. The researches and forecast of all kind of exchange markets quotations are possible with this software i.e. securities, t-bonds, interest rates, FOREX, FUTURES and commodities.

The software offers all trading systems from Cyklotron systems fammily : PCVR, TFR, TR, P, 2L oraz 3L. Cyklotron will ask for license key after installation.

There is 30 days license key in our E-Shop listed.

Download time : modem 56 kbs / s about 9 min.




Russian page has awful translation.


how to make a backup of windows before downloading


how to make a backup of windows before downloading thx

Windows XP makes backup automatically.

Start - Programs - Accesories - System Tools - System restore.


how does the programs you mentioned play into this......

program like TrueImage or Norton Ghost...

much appreciated

thank you very much,


is it possible to backup windows 2000


Hi Da Vinci

This soft works with asci files of metatrader??

How good is this soft forecasting tha forex market?

Thanks for your info

Hi Da Vinci

This soft works with asci files of metatrader??

How good is this soft forecasting tha forex market?

Thanks for your info

Hello Tragapips

Not tested yet with Metatrader EOD data, but it should work ( maybe with some little modification ? )...

Will test it on next days....So busy

Keep us informed, please, if you have the time....

Thanks and bye


how does the programs you mentioned play into this......

program like T r u e I m a g e or Norton Ghost...

much appreciated

thank you very much,

Hi to all

You could find the possibility to try T r u e I m a g e, at the following links :

The program:

The "medication" of the program :

A c ro n i s.Tr u e.I m a g e.Workstation.v9.1.3677

Good luck