Traders joking, the beginning - page 483

According to a new report, there are still five people alive today who were born in the 1800s. Even crazier, every one of them was re-elected this November.


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President Obama said that if he could have any superpower, he’d want the ability to speak any language. That's so everyone in the world could tell him he picked one of the lamest possible superpowers.


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SkyMall’s parent company has filed for bankruptcy, which could mean the end of the catalog. Airline passengers were really upset. They said, "Now what am I gonna spit my gum into?"


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In France, a court ruled that a couple cannot name their baby "Nutella." The court said a name like that can only lead to teasing. So the couple has moved on to their second choice — Conan.


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A big question all the New Yorkers have, and they're talking three or four feet of snow, is: How will the Chinese food delivery get through?


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