Traders joking, the beginning - page 444



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Today they arrested a White House intruder who was jumping over the fence to get OUT of the White House.

Two traders are walking uptown from Wall Street en route of the subway. A mugger approaches them with a gun and demands all of their money. The one trader turns to the other and says, "Oh, by the way, here's that $100 I owe you..."


A trader was travelling along in a hot air balloon, when all of a sudden hot air started escaping from the balloon. The balloon strayed off course and rapidly descended, hitting the ground and ending up in the middle of a paddock.

The trader looked around the paddock but had no idea where he was. Suddenly, a man approached the balloon and asked the trader if he could help him. The trader said yes, and asked the man if he could tell him where he was. The man answered eagerly "you are in a hot air balloon, in the middle of a paddock". The trader replied, "oh, you must be an accountant". The man smiled and said "yes, how did you know?". "Because" explained the trader, "whilst everything you say is perfectly true, it is of absolutely no use to me whatsoever".

A new study has found that men who are vegan have a much lower sperm count compared to those that eat meat. Even worse, the few sperm vegan men do have refuse to go anywhere near an egg.

Hello Bongo,

I was testing it in DEMO account and looks like pretty good and I'd like to know if you can provide the *.mq4 file because when it opens an order it's also putting COMMENTS (as you should know, that is very bad, 'cause brokers can manipulate when they find robots). If can not provide that file, could you delete the comments and post here or send me please?

Best regards.

Hi ND,

This is no joke, maybe...

Somebody can try but only on Demo.

I made few changes.

Profit Factor= 2.35 (not so big)

Max. Drawdown=1.41% ( that is very good)




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Here's how the new mobile payment system works. If you so much as even glance at an Apple product, Apple Pay automatically deducts the full amount from your checking account.

the future so bright! I got to wear shades: United States of America