Traders joking, the beginning - page 301


There is a new baby product that's causing controversy. It is a newborn-to-toddler activity seat. It is a baby seat with a built-in iPad holder. Since when are we giving iPads to infants? When did that happen?


The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children under 2 not be exposed to screens like iPads because it can impede their brain development. Although if it keeps the kid quiet while I'm at Costco, let's bring that brain development to a halt.




President Obama attended Nelson Mandela's memorial service in South Africa. Hundreds of world leaders were there. President Obama said it felt strange to listen to these leaders in person rather than eavesdropping on their phone calls.


In defending the budget deal, Congressman Paul Ryan quoted the Rolling Stones and said, 'You can't always get what you want.' When it comes to Congress, here's a better Stones quote: 'Can't get no satisfaction.' How about that?




nice car.............................................

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Psychic? Lucky Guess? Or Inside Information?

So apparently a psychic called Edgar Case told a New York stockbroker that there would be a "great disturbance within financial circles" back in 1929..

Then, 6 months later, The Wall Street Crash happened.

(Found this from Psychic Future)Do you believe in all this 'psychic' stuff?

I can't help but think that they are all big guesses.. Or maybe this Edgar Case guy should have got involved with trading! If he could predict trading & financial patterns, he could have made A LOT of money...

President Obama attended Nelson Mandela's memorial service in South Africa. Hundreds of world leaders were there. President Obama said it felt strange to listen to these leaders in person rather than eavesdropping on their phone calls.

Hahaha! Love this.