Traders joking, the beginning - page 580


My friend said he knew a man with a wooden leg named Smith.

So I asked him "What was the name of his other leg?"



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Jeb Bush admitted he smoked pot 40 years ago. And Ben Carson was like, “Dude, I'm high right now. Why do you think I speak so slowly?”


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I used to be in a band, we were called ‘lost dog’. You probably saw our posters.



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An economist walks into a pizzeria to order a pizza. The waiter asks him: “Should I cut it into 4 pieces or 6 pieces?”

The economist replies: “I’m feeling hungry right now. You’d better cut it into 6 pieces.”


After years of scrimping and saving, a husband told his wife the good news: “Honey, we’ve finally got enough money to buy what we started saving for in 1979.”

“You mean a brand-new BMW?” she asked eagerly.

“No,” said the husband, “a 1979 BMW.”


At what age is it appropriate to tell my dog that he’s adopted?



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