Traders joking, the beginning - page 43

I can get your number and see whats the wife think about your ideas , I guess your posts will repaints



I just explained why I did not visit Thailand

I just explained why I did not visit Thailand




One day, in a mental hospital in Thailand, one of the doctors visited a patient named Jung.

Doctor : “Hello, Jung. What are you doing?”

Jung : “I am writing a letter.”

Doctor : “Who are you writing to?”

Jung : “I am writing to myself.”

Doctor : “????? What is it about?”

Jung : “How am I supposed to know? The letter will only reach me by tomorrow.”

Doctor : “(Insanity)”

Take a break. Don’t be so serious.

The moral of the story: Nobody knows what will happen tomorrow. Do the best for today and learn from your mistakes.


Can we stop the political jokes?

It's the 10^3 we ask about.


PD: I don't wont and I don't like to edit post.

So, maybe someone want to edit his post?


oh , did you mean ... me?


not related to joking but to seriouse MTF indicater discussion about digits...[]



Can we stop the political jokes?

It's the 10^3 we ask about.


PD: I don't wont and I don't like to edit post.

So, maybe someone want to edit his post?

Sorry, Linux, got you hint , but don't now what you mean by 10^3 ....



could you tell me one of 10^3 meaning ?:)


Forex Indicators Collection

could you tell me one of 10^3 meaning ?:)


Forex Indicators Collection


3 exponent of 10 or xn

10^2 = exponent of 10 o xn

Exponentiation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Because vBulletin does not support mathematical language I need to write in that way otherwise we should see something like


Thanks for understand.

PD: 10^3 means a many many many ... times ( 3 exponential to 10)