Traders joking, the beginning - page 35

Can't you make that expert, your good in programmer

I did for a client (GwB ). Can't share because I signed a NDA. Sorry ...


I did for a client (GwB ). Can't share because I signed a NDA. Sorry ... FerruFx

if you change the name of the expert , technically that would be a different expert , or you can add a couple of sleep functions , or sell me your computer with the expert and I will find my way to it, or tell me where do you live ... leave the door open and I will come and borrow your computer for a day or two... or .... I can find many ways around it

Just kidding , I know you are a good and honest programmer and you respect your client privacy.

I would highly recommended you for any professional coding task.


How easier would be to print our own money? I would establish the value of mine on my hability to print some more.

Having my face on each and any one, I would get famous preatty fast no?!

... or tell me where do you live ... leave the door open and I will come and borrow your computer for a day or two... or .... I can find many ways around it

If one day you are close to my paradise, I would be more than happy to met you.

Just kidding , I know you are a good and honest programmer and you respect your client privacy.

That must be the very first thing even without signed NDA for all professional coders.

I would highly recommended you for any professional coding task.

Thanks for your kind words. Very much appreciated from one of the greatest contributor here and there.


I did for a client (GwB ). Can't share because I signed a NDA. Sorry ... FerruFx

have a look at this

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart : September 25, 2008

skip the small intro and see John Stewart, really a funny guy



he is not a trader , right ?


Forex Indicators Collection

he is not a trader , right ?


Forex Indicators Collection

no he is not, but the US economy is so screwed up that everyone knows about it even comedians, see the second part of the clip show where he talks about the loans .. sadly funny as indicated by John how the hell the US economy is going to recover from all these loans.

hedge funds managers are now trained as Starbucks trainees , guys reserve your seat.

hedge funds managers are now trained as Starbucks trainees , guys reserve your seat.



Where can I download a copy of Electra?

Sorry if this is a daft question, but I'm new here. Where can I download a copy of Electra? Searches in the downloads section have produced no results.

Thanks for your help