I've got this E-mail..


Forex Scam Alert

Been Scammed? Spread the word to everyone you know!



Bain is a con-artist and a marketing master, NOT a forex master.

Solution: NEVER buy a course or training program UNLESS they make live calls directly in front of you in REAL-TIME.

Bain uses "after the fact" reviews. Of course they will appear to be profitable, but how will they work in real time?

Don't get scammed by this Canadian. Spread the word and help your fellow trader.

Forex Scam Team

Enough is Enough!


What's the connection?

I'm sorry, but I fail to see any connection between Peter Bain and the forexbastards site. The trading methodology is entirely different. Felix also gives FREE daily alert emails, I do not see that PB does that. Whoever put up that site about Peter Bain is a little off kilter, and not very professional.

People are ultimately responsible for their own choices/purchases, a simple review stating the negative aspects of Bain's course would've sufficed.




When people sell their course, they always put disclaimer at the bottom of their site.

None of system guarantee making money.

The facts are over 90% of forex trader (ever) lossing their money

So do what you ought come what may.

Trade what you see not what you think


I guess whoever posted the PeterBain scam apparently has loss money, and wants to blame someone. C'mon, no system guarantees you to make money nor is there a Holy Grail. He does not give signals, and its up to the individual to ultimately make the decision as to when to get in and get out, not him nor any seller of Forex courses. Its your money, and its up to you how to use lose it....


peter bains course

two cents ref:

Peter Bains course I brought it, I do still use it still and believe in it.

Is it easy to grasp in 10 minutes? "NO", does it take weeks and months or years to master his techniques (let you know in another 25 years), like anything in trading nothing works all the time. Even if you dont want to agree that everything he says is correct, then he must be half way there because he is saying pretty much the same as all the big hitters, with his own twist.

How do I know?, I think I have brought all their books and discs on trading as well, if you have read one you have read them all or at least thats what it seems.

Brilliant on trendlines,


Tom De mark,

Price projections,

~~~~~~ so so on candlesticks ( STEVE NISON IS THE MAN)

TOP DOWN TRADING, trend identification


C O T commitment of Traders.

I would recommend his course. But what do i know


The guy who did that site also did a similar site for forexbastards. He's been posting on another forum about it and just from what I've seen the regulars there think he is a nutter and mostly ignore him. Don't know much about forexbastards but Peter Bain's course is definately not a scam I can attest to that. And if you buy it and think its a scam, just ask for a refund - there is a money back guarantee anyway.


I learned Forex also from Peter Bain, I can just say that what he teaches you is strictly all technical, and he does not try to sell you the Holy Grail like all these others who promise you the world to riches. No matter if one follows his methods or now, his presentation and analysis of the charts are great compared to others especially with his AM Review. He goes through the charts using the mouse cursor to point out things, various time frames, etc. I don't think you can find that kind of visual presentation anywhere else..... I am not promoting his course or anything, I just want to say that I learn more from visuals than just words on printed material. I am the type who will learn from interactive visuals since printed course materials do not clearly point out things, and they just presume you know what they are referring to in the charts....

Well, that's my two cents worth also.... Some may wonder why I am here if I like his course, well we all want to learn methods which can improve our trading and the less indicators we need, the better....


I like using pivot points as a trading strategy because they are predictive as opposed to lagging. You can use the information of the previous day to calculate turning points and it helps you build a trading plan for the day/days ahead and stick to it.

Anyway for what its worth, I like the Peter Bain course because he is a good mentor, I don't think all good traders make good mentors.

btw here are some free trading strategies based on Pivot Points: http://www.margin-strategies.info/August06.pdf



be carefulll....just think if you are succesfull trader..how would u have time to teach others...don't u have a family, have dreams to live for....

its only would be or mediocore..who becomes teacher...think about your college teachers...its always easy to teach...hard to practice...