Great EA in backtest! - page 33

Hi David.

Nice results. I am finding that the longer timeframes are better too.

However, your modelling quality is 31.83%. That implies you are probably not using downloaded data and modelling every tick which is what you need to do in order to get more accurate results. It makes a difference.

Also, you didn't state which version you are using, 1.85f which is the manicured opensource or 1.88 from CD itself, but I am going to assume it is the open source you downloaded from this site?

I am not saying you can't make money with this EA, only that you need to do testing with good data and even then forward testing is a whole other animal.

yea the moddleing quality i cann't get it 0ver 39%. I have never used an EA or back tested.

And forward testing? Is this projecting what the market might do? Or simply running it live on a demo?

Its is the DL I got from the link on the first post.

I think the reason nobody here is making money on it is there too scared.

If you were looking at a trade, and the risk was 5$ and the reward possiblity was 8000$ would you take the trade? who wouldn't? I belive thats about the same ratio as 500$/800k$.

I trade purely technical using elliotte wave and indicators.

I am more than happy to risk 500$ to see if this thing works.

But as my Dad said if it works I should get on here and tell you all that it don't. Or just not come back. That might be what others have done. Because if it does work even half as good or 1/3 as good as the back testing do you really want every one to be using it? It would mess up the market if every one had something that was so good. The big question is will the broker allow you to pull that much money out of the market so quickly? I am with FXDD. We will see.

The true test is real money all the back and forward testing in the world doesn't really matter accept to see if the program functions as it should with risk/reward ratio and trade execution.

The reason most people don't even try to invest in trading the markets is they think it cann't be done or there too scared. Or That it can be done but "they" cann't do it so they don't even try.

who hasn't waisted 500$ when first getting started in the market anyways. I waisted alot more than that befor I became profitable.


But as my Dad said if it works I should get on here and tell you all that it don't. Or just not come back. That might be what others have done. Because if it does work even half as good or 1/3 as good as the back testing do you really want every one to be using it? It would mess up the market if every one had something that was so good. The big question is will the broker allow you to pull that much money out of the market so quickly?

.. that's the funniest post i have read all day.. do you think that "all of us little guys" could really effect the market..? we arent trading stocks or bonds here.. even if 10,000 people were using this method.. it would not effect this market..

.. that's the funniest post i have read all day.. do you think that "all of us little guys" could really effect the market..? we arent trading stocks or bonds here.. even if 10,000 people were using this method.. it would not effect this market..

yes true, but my results show 800k in a short time and even 1mil in 2 weeks on one test. Yes sounds too good to be true but this is starting with 500$.

Now immagine the same time peroid, compounding lots as the account grows 800k could be a billion in no time. We don't think in terms of those kinds of numbers, but this management system this EA is using, that "could" be the results.

I seriously doubt any broker would let it go that far and if there a STP broker then the bank wouldn't let it go that far. You would have to become a bank yourself. Wich is a possibility. The market is what it is because 85% of traders fail. If 85% of traders were successfull it would change the market. Belive it.

Billion dollar accounts can push the market and we all know this from big banks stop hunting in low volume times. Several big banks entering the market at the same time IE: news realese, does impact the market. We bank on it when we trade the news. Now immagine if 10,000 ordnary people had million $ accounts using this system with the same settings on the same timeframe. It would mess up the natural order of things.

The possibilities are only limmited by ourselves and our small way of thinking.. The market has endless potential.

Do I think I will make 800k in a few months.....NO!....will that stop me from being optimistic....NO!....Will that stop me from trying....NO!

If I listened to all the people in my life that said I couldn't trade for a living I'd still be working construction. They said that only super smart guys with high educations could do it and it would be impossible for me to.

I started with a 250$ account 2 years ago. And never put more than 500$ in an account at a time. I am with my 4th broker and am happy with FXDD.It was said that its impossible to start so low. But I did and now am making a living.

Its negative attitudes that limmit our potential and thinking somethings "too good to be true".

I am sure Donald trump was told the same thing in the beginning. And he's been bankrupt a few times and still one of the most wealthiest guys in the world. Why? because he's not afraid to put it all on the line and risk everything.

the greater the risk the greater the reward.

I think therfore I am.....

ok enough of the defending my words.

everyone is entitled to there opinion.


edit: besides after my mess up the market statement I said the brokers allowing it is the question. By mess up the market I ment the brokers and banks. But my above statements are still true to a degree.

The true test is real money all the back and forward testing in the world doesn't really matter accept to see if the program functions as it should with risk/reward ratio and trade execution.

ok...i will continue to forward test this on a demo account , but i want to make sure that i have the setting correct.

could you please post the settings that you are using? i would like to make sure that i have it properly set-up. if you are using different settings for any pairs, could you also inform me on those settings. thanks.

ok...i will continue to forward test this on a demo account , but i want to make sure that i have the setting correct. could you please post the settings that you are using? i would like to make sure that i have it properly set-up. if you are using different settings for any pairs, could you also inform me on those settings. thanks.

all settings are default. For now. If you've changed the settings go back to the origonal post and DL it again to save me some time. I wouldn't want to leave out some vital info in trying to post the settings. Some of the settings make no sence to me. Looks like some falses would be true. But the fractals, static s/l, and 12 points, and other stuff is way beyond my knowledge. I have no idea what this thing makes a trade based off of.

I am also testing on demo account too befor putting it on my real account.

I noticed that sometimes in the back test it skipped a day or 2 every now and then. And some times it has skipped 4 days. Hope this week is not the case.

Best results came in a messed up sideways market. Worce was in a sharply trending market. Thats good since the market only trands 20% of the time.

And personal system failer, and server failer will be a factor. As well as cpu lag. When the backtest doesn't rely on live data feed.



which one are you testing?

.. i am sure you know, but there are many versions of this particular EA. i am curious, which version are you testing?

i have been testing version 1_185f.

i also have availble to test: original version, 1.88.

please let me know.


....never mind

aahh sry didn't

Here it is


edit: I opened properties and also looked in the file and didn't see the version. Unless its in another language.

Let me know what version I have if you can find it.

that would be the original version. the other versions have altered names.. as stated in my post.

that would be the original version. the other versions have altered names.. as stated in my post.

can you post the newest version for me. I'd like to run the exact same back test and forward test with both of them to see if there is a different outcome. Or give a link




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