EA In Development: Current Progress, The Channel Detector


i have attatched a code i call "My Second Strategytester", because it is a test revie of my secondly developed strategy, (called "38 ema magnet") It started out fairly simple, from the expert advisor builder, but afterwards, (thank goodness i had the blessing) a friend of mine tutored me in c+ coding, mostly very basic basic techniches, but they proved very usefull, and i advance the new strategy to where it is now, but there are some codes i need some introducing to, .

I have also attatched a chart of an example of what i'm looking for, (to help the descriptions )

Notice at the beggining of the chart, it stays flat forever, i want to stay out of trades when the prices channels horizontally, for x pips, with a high and low of x pips, and after it breaches that channel by x pips, re-activate.

If (a) trade(s) are open when a channel is reached by all the above conditions, to close the trade(s)

I Appreciate all assistance!!!


btw, you do know the "My Second Strategytester" is the more advanced one, right?

(just noticing most of the attention is on the begging one that was nothing but "http://sufx.core.t3-ism.net/ExpertAdvisorBuilder/index.html#Buy1"'s doing, "38 ema magnet)