The Holy Grail - What is it? - page 5

Niceguy777 - I purchased your book a while ago, would recommend it to anyone here... if I PM you my details as proof of purchase could you resend me the metatrader indicators as I have misplaced them. Thanks

No problem. Will do. I'll be sending you a download link for the ebook that also explains it more and contains the files you need.


Holy Grail: What works for you...

And depends on how deep your pockets go. A lot of hedge funds fail to return +1% every year. +15% for a fund is considered pretty good. Very few are returning 52-200% a year. Some traders want 1% every day, that's huge....and possible, for a select few.

If you want to turn $500 into $100k, that's called gambling, and there's really no specific recipe to do that. Although having some rules and a basic plan can go a LONG way.

The holy grail to me, is any profitable method with a positive return. I have hit 90% winning trades, but that style only returns about 5% every 3 months. Pretty low risk/return. It's too slow for me really.

I have a buddy who turned 4k into 200k. This of course was done taking extreme risks during his workday at a programming job. Had he blown 4k, it wouldn't matter to him, therefore his holy grail worked, but it may never work again to that extent. He gave up after winning for a year and a half roughly. I saw him lose up to 20k in a day, and seen him make 50k on those gravy train days.

So many people will be quick to say that's gambling, and it is. So shut up already, lol. Some people come to this game TO gamble, edge or not. I use to say "well that's gambling, it can't work" but the thing is, a lot of sh*t works that really SHOULDN'T work.

There is no way to double your account in 1 day that ISN'T gambling (I mean high risk/high reward, edge or no edge, you play high stakes? You're a "high risk speculator" ahem "gambler" so don't hide behind other "fancy" labels. It's essentially no-limit hold'em folks.)


For me personally there is no "holy grail", the closest thing to "stress-free" trading I have found is simple price action setups. I learned from Nial Fuller's website.


add to any system

To help some can add MTF slope line to your existing system set to 240 and 10......hope it helps some


Approximate Profit

Its really Good

Appoximate profit Really good for any ones....

And 48 % ...Excellent really....



Holy Grail in my hand now

After struggling for almost one decade finally I have found FX Holy Grail and everyday I earn 150 - 200 pips.


Hello, you want to teach us or sell?(Rolleyes2)


oh.. really holy grail, can u explain to us or u have some pic,thx


so what system are you using?

Holy Grail: What works for you...

And depends on how deep your pockets go. A lot of hedge funds fail to return +1% every year. +15% for a fund is considered pretty good. Very few are returning 52-200% a year. Some traders want 1% every day, that's huge....and possible, for a select few.

If you want to turn $500 into $100k, that's called gambling, and there's really no specific recipe to do that. Although having some rules and a basic plan can go a LONG way.

The holy grail to me, is any profitable method with a positive return. I have hit 90% winning trades, but that style only returns about 5% every 3 months. Pretty low risk/return. It's too slow for me really.

I have a buddy who turned 4k into 200k. This of course was done taking extreme risks during his workday at a programming job. Had he blown 4k, it wouldn't matter to him, therefore his holy grail worked, but it may never work again to that extent. He gave up after winning for a year and a half roughly. I saw him lose up to 20k in a day, and seen him make 50k on those gravy train days.

So many people will be quick to say that's gambling, and it is. So shut up already, lol. Some people come to this game TO gamble, edge or not. I use to say "well that's gambling, it can't work" but the thing is, a lot of sh*t works that really SHOULDN'T work.

There is no way to double your account in 1 day that ISN'T gambling (I mean high risk/high reward, edge or no edge, you play high stakes? You're a "high risk speculator" ahem "gambler" so don't hide behind other "fancy" labels. It's essentially no-limit hold'em folks.)

Good honest post right there man. Cool. I personally agree with everything you said. Trading definitely CAN be gambling if you let it or want it to be. It all depends on your expectations and risk level. I personally trade with price action setups and they work fine for me, I really don't need any complicated or confusing indicator or trading "robots".