The Holy Grail - What is it?

Mine over the last 3 weeks has given me an avg of 48% per week.

You call it your Holy Grail, so you must have been trading it live for what must feel a _long_ time. So, what's your R/R ratio, max drawdown, avg pip/trade, sterling ratio etc., over the last 3 years?


What is this thread's purpose ???

What is this thread's purpose ???

Sorry it might be just my way of trying to explain thing.

But I was trying to say for people who are looking for the Holy Grail, not to look too hard but to try and find a system that works for them. If they can find that, then they have found their personal holy grail.


these kind of posts and messages get really annoying after a while.

Person stops in and says "hey, I'm making 1000 pips/week now. I'd like to tell you what it is but I got to run. see ya around.. "

WTF. You realize that there is about trillion dollars being traded in forex, right? I doubt anyone cares about your few thousand. I'm coming to realize that if you understand the market, it doesn't matter if your indicator stop working. You understand it so you will come up with a counter-strategy to the markets new strategy. It's like poker I think.


Nice post Basza!

That's great that you've found something that works. Congratulations.

The other half of the story in this thread nicely shows how angry people can get when they hear of someone's success. Why is that? Why all the need for justification and 'proof'? Why all the need for cynicism. I guess it's because others are having difficulties in achieving your kind of results. But for them, it will be self-defeating, because until you are in the right mindset, you won't get it!


Good on you Basza....the years of hard work in setting yourself up with a technique that works for you is starting to pay off for you. Some advice from an old hand - don't fret if/when it seems to let you down - review the circumstances and adjust if required.

Niceguy - it indeed seems to be human nature to cut down success, probably due entirely because it is generated by the 90% of retail fx traders who demand to be told how to make money without doing their homework/setting their own personal trading rules/MM rules, and expecting those who do hand over their systems to underwrite success. When they find things don't quite work out, then out come the knives again, and once they have crucified someone for trying to be helpful, they drift off and repeat the process. In the meantime all they have achieved is a 'feelgood' factor at having 'proven' the system is crap (not for the originator, only for them), haven't learned anything themselves, and probably dropped another 20% of their capital. Keep it up you guys - the sooner you get off the threads and lose all your capital, the better.....

The worrying trend is that its now moving from threads to chat rooms as well - the lurkers and stalkers are forcing what used to be open forums into passworded closed shops, when the clear original intent of the originator is to genuinely attempt to assist others. Sad really, but there you are - human
