What the best strategy ??? - page 2



I have created a little 5m strategy that uses a series of 20ema's from different timeframes, coupled with CCI's.

I take on average 4-10 trades each day, averaging 20-30 pips on each.

Drop me a line if you'd like the template. thefxpimp@hotmail.com



FX Pimp:
I have created a little 5m strategy that uses a series of 20ema's from different timeframes, coupled with CCI's.

I take on average 4-10 trades each day, averaging 20-30 pips on each.

Drop me a line if you'd like the template. thefxpimp@hotmail.com

thanks for share your system, could u post your template here?


Forex Indicators Collection

hi guys

i need a good strategy for earn 10-20 pipa day.

whta the best ???

please guide me

thank you

I think that's the wrong question to be asking your self. you be asking how big the loss you are willing to live with is.

Deposit Balance protection is the most important aspect of this business ie protecting your initial investment.

just my 2 cents


I use system now and not have been losing single time with it

my own developed benkyalate system

A very comon mistake.

Avoiding losing.. People look for a system to avoid losing.

No matter what you use, once you're in a trade chances are 50/50.

The best strategy?...it all depends on your definition of "best"

Strategy, systems, methods etc, are nothing more than a well-defined set of rules that includes:




As for the all, trend/no trend/counter trend issue.

Anything lower than daily charts, are just swings. A well-defined trend need sufficient data accumulated for the whole market to move in that direction.

You won't find that in anything lower than daily charts. The rest is counter-swings/move most of the time.

If you look closely at anything lower than daily, a there's always a battle between long and short. Bulls and Bears. I believe that the best bet is to spot early changes in sentiment and ride the swing using well-defined trading rules as I stated above.

Take any reversal bar, any timeframe lower than daily. Whenever you see a reversal bar/candle, just draw a single line, and ride the wave. If you lose, go do it again until money management rules stop you . Again, you must know beforehand where your stops and exits will be.

Make losing part of your strategy. Oh yes, because you will lose., there's no shortcut to that one. But a well-defined money management will keep your neck above the water.

The idea is to find a repetitive pattern on your charts and catch the wave early.

I assure you with all my heart than counter-moves are quite repetitive if you're trading intraday.

Don't fall prey of this never-ending optimization process, very common in forums and threads like this gentleman just brought to our attention. If you read that thread, the system has changed like 1 million times. That's a classical recipe for disaster in this business. Besides, is so hard to keep up mentally with so many wiggly lines running on your charts, don't you agree?

Stick to your system, no matter what. Threat this as any other business. You'll have good days and slow days. Slow months and good months.

So a definition of "best" should be = Something that works most of the time.

If not, then....as you have a solid -standard way to manage your risk, won't be a problem 'cause you will come ahead in the long run.

hi guys

i need a good strategy for earn 10-20 pipa day.

whta the best ???

please guide me

thank you

If you are looking for 10-20 pips a day it seems like you are trying to discipline the market and not yourself . And for that i believe you cannot do it. What you can do is simply accept what you earn/loss for that day and close the trade in peace.

forget about disciplining the market take care of your pips


If you are new the best strategy is to not risk real money in the markets.

You will thank me later.